title: hrmm.
date: Wednesday, January 31, 2007
time: 11:50
suddenly im feeling so different of myself.
i dreamt of something
that totally changes the person i am today.
yesterday evening
was really gloomy and dark for me.
wandering the void deck and strolling
by myself.
met Black and fed her.
for more than once, i think she's cute and
a real companian.
Like Maya, even if you're down
at your lowest point,
they are the
best to keep you company.
though they cant speak our language,
their purring and the way they make you laugh
is so cheering up.
can you notice from the way i'd
type this?
different doesnt it?
sometimes, something's bother me :
do people change for the one's they love
is it the vice-versa of the phrase?
sometimes i wonder if the moving cloud
matters about whats
happening below it.
it doesnt seem like it cares right?
there are like so many more question's that
circle's the mind.
there's this one phrase that says :
' kalau cemburu , ertinya sayang '
like that time me and Ddy was figuring
out whether this theory
was proven correct.
To me, it depends doesn't it?
some jealousy meant envy ,
well some jealousy may meant love but
not always like that.
some jealousy meant that they wants
to get even witht the other.
you know what i mean?
some sort like that
so the theory kind-of cannot be proven whether right/wrong
because it's simply up to own's opinion.
and yar,
before i forget there's this one song that
im so in love with today.
date: Tuesday, January 30, 2007
time: 14:13
title: lols.
time: 13:51
so, how long isit since i last update?
about two or three days
im so super boring and blunt to do anything.
want to go out, but im waiting for
someone, mum's not
in to entertain me,
ariq not in to humour me.
so , i woke about 8plus today and teman
mum go NTUC/mall.
had breakfast and went buy some groceries.
maklomla, dah tk keje tolong mak
la pulakkn.
so, then went to fetch my two
Fetch them , brought them home
and thats it.
get them ready for their school and voila,
dah siap pun.
mum sent them while i sat alone at home.
actually, i've just done with the laundry.
the weather is nice and warm outside.
i wish i could go down to the beach
and wow, nice.
feeling the warm breeze blowing against the skin
with the sun baking down on
you and get a tann.
anyway, after doing so, i grabbed whiskers cat food
and went downstairs to look
for Maya.
She wasn't there, so out of the bushes
popped little Black hurriedly
running towards me.
Its like been days since i last met her.
Jadi, bawaklar dia pegi corner and
put her food down.
She burshes against me and went
purring, looking at me.
i guess it's like a sign for thank you or something.
so, after feeding her and playing with her,
i went up and her i am doing this blog.
so yes , i aint got nth to do for now.
so, im blogging off because im kinda busy
with Neopets right now.
so what if im childish?
it keeps me away from bored-isim.
and that's what matters.
toddling off peeps.
date: Friday, January 26, 2007
time: 22:54
today so very mendak siol.
dinah and me slack.
sales;not much.
its quite bored as well because
you know how
people trace and take down your
every move.
irritating right?
its like mcm tkde freedom gitu,
just because we are new and young.
they like dont trust us like that.
siak je.
we cabot to have lunch because only us that has
to go to lunch one after the other.
in other words,
one-by-one lar gitu.
we didnt quite agree,so when our boss isnt around..
we walked off leaving the atrium and the counter.
we walked straight to the canteen
and eat putu mayam / string hopper.
uh, dont know what is that
dinah tell me lar.
anyway, had quite a time just now.
meet people with all kinds of kerenah siak.
tadi, bb fetched me like usual.
it was raining.
so, we head home in the rain, under one umbrella.
today was alright , i guess
except the part after the boss called us.
hais. im like so sleepy already.
gotto sleep now.,
working tmrw.
title: Misses.
date: Wednesday, January 24, 2007
time: 21:38
Third day of work is okay.
we had made some sales but not
really satisfying.
people were looking at us like
we're some kind of caged-animals.
their stare's..wooo.
really nervous especially when you're
standing in the center of the two
anyway, today im feeling so apart form bb.
i miss him so much.
he's sick and not well but still picking me up at Simei.
How i wish i had an off day tmrw
so that i could take care
of bb and to keep him company when his bored like
i used too but , im
working tmrw and there's nobody
to replace my position.
Usually , bb will stay over at my place. I'm his
doctor ,nurse and babysitter.
Gotto go now.
I'll catch up later.
For now, its time to hit the sheets cause
i cant be late again tmrw.
b, i love you.
get well soon love.
title: 2nd Day Work.
date: Tuesday, January 23, 2007
time: 21:54
i miss Black.
When tough gets going,
goings get tough.
today was totally tiring.
make sales today and
i get to interact with
interesting customers.
those with
attitude and does who doesnt bother
at all.
my feet is really, really killing me.
i think if my feet could speak
up to me,
they would probably be begging for
they'll maybe screaming in mercy if they see any
heels around.
but serious, really tiring especially when there's no
customer and you had to go around approaching
they will keep shoving you off.
some even walked away
when they see you from far.
must thick skin hor doing this kind of work.
what to do, every hour of it
is money.
so, there i go in the morning off to work
when i was half-way to the bus-stop
i was in a breakdown by then.
it was 8.30 and there was not much time
for me to get onto the bus i
wanted which was at 8.38.
I rushed home, meeting mum downstairs and
changed to the new slippers.
i was thinking ,
matila hari ni... prangai siak.
i was starting to lose my mind.
at Simei , Dinah was already calling me
asking me where i am because i
was late.
As soon as i saw her , we walked our way to CGH like usual.
Bought ourselves some food
and ate it at the garden.
5minutes before time, we were alreay packing our stuffs and
ready for sales.
The big boss of my company came
down today to see our Atrium sales , together
with the other big bosses of the relating company.
I panic when she strated testing me on the products.
which is which.. what suits her skin..
which do i recommend...
but lucky enough, i managed to pass it by bit.
i was dying.
eventually, me managegd to sold off some item and
attend to their needs and
Lucky for me, i've study them all yesterday.
So i started practising how to approach customers with Dinah's guide.
thank you sister love.
so ya.
it was quite a time today.
today totally slack.
at 6 , we packed up all of our items and i saw bb
already at the entrance.
i was delighted.
We went home and so on and so on.
But , one think today...
i didnt saw Black at all.
I only saw Maya walking back and forth infront of me.
Mom said Black and Maya had
a fight earlier on and maybe Black ran away.
Far , far away.
damn. mcm nk nangis siak.
baby cat lari jauh2 with a serial CATkiller around?
its really cruel to see a cat being killed
and tortured.
Like what happen to the cat about the previous
The cat was stranggle and hanged at the straircase.
it hurts alot , really.
May the cat's souls live in peace.
title: work work.
date: Monday, January 22, 2007
time: 21:25
first day of work is never an easy one.
woke up at 7 today.
8:15,i went out of the house
and straight
to the bus stop. Bloody feet's killing me
with the whole traffic jam
eating my time away.
frusted,mesti arh.
mcm fcked up gitu;dah lar tgh gabra.
It was already 8:38 when i board up
the deck bus to find myself still
stuck in traffic in the
middle of the highway.
i was supposed to meet Dinah at 9 at
Simei Mrt and damn dah pkl 9 lar sey bila
smpi pasir ris.
so, finally i reached Simei at 9:08 with me still
waiting for Ms Dinah.
Waiting was okay but it was not okay
with people around.
Especially those still schooling, you know?
For somehow, i dont miss school
but i do
keep the memories i had during sec 2
when i used to skip lessons and still be passing
my english B above, thanks to that
Missy who dont bother even if we copied.
Even though Im from express, doesnt mean that
im all that stucked up to study you know?
Study is a must but a little mischief to it is
horribly no harm at all.
Mischief like running away from classroom
when the teacher is teaching,
eating and drinking at the back of the class ,
having loads of people to rebel together
with you when it wasnt at all the teachers fault.
So, back to todays diary.
After meeting Dinah , we walked our way to
CGH and went to the canteen for breakfast.
Before reporting, we went to 7-11 to
bought us something for lunch.
At first , i was bored and nerbous with those seniors
pressuring me with their hard stern stares.
didnt i tell you i hate that?
so then it keeps going on and on
till the afternoon. What to do , buat bodoh la.
Most customers just look and walked away.
Some just smile and flirt.
Okay, so i was disgusted tapi mcmmane kn?
tkkn nk marah, elakkn je.
finally , i saw bb with his friends.
i was so like happy smcm gitu.
mcm suka sgt tgk dia ada.
honestly lebih better pada org yg kita tk kenal kan???
so bb dropped by for awhile and i really appreciate that.
thank you sygg. muacks.
so, i carried on like usual so that
they wouldnt know that
my bf is around.
So time passes and the competitor next to our booth mcm
smcm punyerr prangai.
ape sajer lar tunjuk muka gitu.
muka mcm nk mkn org.
Dinah told me to ignore bcoz she's like
that when there's no customer.
Tpi, mmg frust arh kalau tkde sale,
confirm kena marah dgn org besar
after this week.
my feet is already a big problem to me and
yet, this.
i'll see how long i could carry on,
or else i'll quit with a week's notice!
imagine that???
tmrw , we had to do sales individually.
inside and out.
bb fetched me from work woth me having
to clinged on him when we walked.
sorry b , but thanks love.
got down the bus 88 and saw black playing at the
bushes near the bus stop.
i was shocked because
jauh seh dier merayap. kalau kena
aper2 mcm mane?
so, i called her home.
she walked her way with me and bb.
at the basketball court , i carried her thru because
there were dogs there.
but , instead she was enthusiasticla npk anjing kena
im starting to hate this job.
so ,ya i hate it by now.
tmrw another bunch of stress
and the next day the other.
gotto go and soaked my feet in a warm bath
before sleep tonight.
*with all the fake-friendly people pretending to smile at me.
tk friendly siak.
tk suka, sua ah.
so, there.
tmrw another case okay?
toodles doodles peoples.
ps; baby, i miss you.
title: tmrw.
date: Sunday, January 21, 2007
time: 21:37
so im starting work tmrw
and im so nervous right now.
never had i been like this before.
never wanna work actually but Dinah
said its an experience worth trying
and its vital for future use.
yes yes yes , im working for the first
time after two months past thanks
to Dinah.
my day was alright. met B and went out.
then, watch the dance floor.
gosh, you should see that show.
well, really lar nth much to say.
just that, tmrw im really working and thats
the thing.
working time - 10a.m to 6p.m .
Meeting Dee @ 9 at Simei Mrt to had breakfast together.
so there goes the starting of my week
with new tasks awaiting me at the door.
doodles people! ;
signing out.
title: Saturday.
time: 00:31
Went out with B and Mum.
Bought a black clutch purse from OP
and i go yipeeee because i've been longing
for a long wallet for quite a
period now after my old one
was thrown away.
so there, i had what i wanted
and then went to eat lunch at Magic Wok.
Had few of my favourite dishes there like fired thai
baby squids.
yumm yumm.
i was looking for a specific kind of watch that would nicely
fits the style and size to my wrist
after being disappointed
that i couldnt find any.
after walking around the heartlands ,
mum wanted to go home cause
she's like having flu and fever
and tk blh klua lamer lamer gitu.
jadi, b and me hang around the
sitting at the SCC was fun.
we chat, laugh, take pictures and laugh some more
till my tummy hurts.
had some drinks, it started raining.
reaching 8, we went to my uncle's place
to watch EPL;chelsea vs liverpool.
We support none but adik
support Liverpool.
Its his very favourite.
At the end of the game, Liverpool won
and adik was so happy.
nothing had to do with me
but i simply love watching
the players on the move
in the playing field.
soon, its was reaching 11 and
we were on the way home.
B kisses goodnight and went home.
Didnt see any sight of Maya
and Black today.
i sure missed 'em.
had to sleep now.
waking up to a whole new day tmrw,
"the soul shows the true beauty."
date: Saturday, January 20, 2007
time: 00:20
so today i have quite a superr tiring time.
went around with b to get the
job im in for.
b comes for breakfast at
my house.
at one,
we took the bus number 88 and dropped at the
interchange and took the mrt to simei.
i made an appointment with Dinah at 3 and its fifteen
minutes to three and im still not there.
it was hot and bloody humid.
we reached the hospital in the nick of time
adn saw aaron's wife walking out of
the taxi bay.
i didnt notice her but b did.
i was panikking like heck until i saw
dinah at the main door waiting for me.
so then i accompanied her to lunch.
we had a few talks on what the interview
is going to go about.
at 3.40 , i followed dinah and went to see
the person in charge.
After Molly asked a few sorts of questions,
they hired me and i had some tryouts.
At 4 , Molly called me and told me
that i had to rushed down to the
main office now before 6
and registered my particulars and
at the same time get my uniform before Monday.
i was like 'oh my god lahh'.
jauh sehh.
So there i go making my way to somerset with
sayang looking for Winsland House and after
founding the office,
i went up to the sixth level and
do some paperwork.
sayang had to waited for me outside at the lift lobby while
im inside.
soon, everything was over.
b and i were getting pretty hungry and
we head back to the mall
to have dinner.
we went home around late 10
with tired legs and swelling
oh godd.
it was freakiing tiring.
i cant imagine how im gonna work this way.
so here, im signing off now
because aku mcm betol penat
nak pengsan.
b, i love you so much.
thanks for your company , love.
you best!
title: happy feet.
date: Thursday, January 18, 2007
time: 18:56
it was a great day today.
went out with afeeqah.
meet her at macdonalds
and had lunch with her and
then went for a little walk-a-around the Point.
after getting sicked and bored,
we went to punggol.
Went over to afeeqah's place just now
and watch happy feet while
afeeqah typed out her resignation
ohhh,happyfeet is nice but i so hate this one part
where mumble is put into a zoo.
staying over at her place was cool.
at 4.30 then, we walked all
the way to mall because thats
where she is working.
im really all paranoid about that thing
im going to go for tmrw.
Dinah gave me a job and in order for me
to get that job with her,
i had to undergo a tryout for 1hour and
only after then i get to know if i am
hired. so, this is my first time.
ow-wee. this is so much tense.
so, all the best to me.
title: Sweet Tuesday.
date: Tuesday, January 16, 2007
time: 21:25
Honestly , today i behave well.
i helped mum with the house chores
and i waited b till school is over.
Saw Black downstairs today.
She's getting skinner and skinner
each day.
Poor thing.
She's cute and cuddly but a little not discipline.
Maya pulak getting fatter and fatter je.
So, thats about for today.
Till i blogged again tmrw(if im not a bum),
toddle doo!
title: Monday.
date: Monday, January 15, 2007
time: 21:34
Monday is always nothing much to tell.
So , my day today was okay.
Weather still wet and floody.
Cold and dark.
Wake up rather late just now because last night
it was too noisy and i stayed up
about one whole hour yesterday night
trying to sleep.
The sound of two cats in an ongoing 'thing' .
One was definitely the sound of the female
and the other a male.
Sounded like something intim and forceful la.
you know how loud cats can be especially
in the early morning around
3 am to 4.15am.
ughh! seriously , it was kind of disturbing too
you know?
with the purring and stuff.
Put that cat subject away aite.
So , like usual b comes around to meet
in the afternoon after school.
And realllyyyy nthh much of today.
title: Chalet
date: Sunday, January 14, 2007
time: 00:50
Okay. So, i had a good time.
went to the chalet and everything was good.
the food , the people and the environment.
absolutely great.
So now, let's dig it from the bottom.
I woke early at 9, bathe ,eat and do some chores.
Then , went on watching some shows on tv
and realising that its already
So , i went to call b and confirmed the
time we shall meet.
At around 3 plus , we were waiting for bus number 3.
We waited for the bus for around
15 minutes and the bus finally arrived.
(punyelarr lama bus dtgg)
We board the bus and headed our way up to pasir ris
and got off at the bus station before
the bus enters the interchange.
Well, since we were invited to come at around
4 or 5, b thought that we
were a little early and decided to walk around White Sands
to pass time.
So, we did a went about looking at stuffs and
very soon we were getting pretty
bored and flee off to downtown.
At 5.45 , we reached the chalet.
(after having trouble finding the venue that
was differently given. lols!)
So, most of them were already there.
Derek and the whole gang , Dinah's old friends , Celeste and the rest
and also the group of people who
helped Dinah out.
The party started with the barbequeing followed by
the cake celebration which is at 7. Poor Dinah
she was pranked with soap, egg and flour.
And the party continued with us eating while watching
the Sunday Movie ; " The Day After Tomorrow ".
It was fun watching tv in a group.
The room was already crowded and noisy.
What's worsts, the boys started throwing balloons
and popping them one by one.
kechorable btol bdk2 tu.
Afterwhich , I realise that its already 10.45.
So, b and I decided to go home because
he's schooling tomorrow morning.
We walked our way out from the chalet
and take a shortcut thru downtown and take
bus 89 home.
(bus nie pun lambatt)
And, we reached home at about
15 minutes before midnight.
Damn i was tired. Both my feets are superr aching
with the back of my feets having blisters.
Looks like
My sunday was sure a lot to tell aye.
title: Today , tomorrow & yesterday.
date: Saturday, January 13, 2007
time: 20:46
today's update ;
today i woke up rather early after having some trouble sleeping
since the last two days. the night hasnt been good for me
lately. =) the weather looksgloomy. after waking up , tidy up my bedroom and wash myself
up which after then , i watched Jimmy Neutron on kids central.
Jimmy and his friends were hypnotise by this show called 'the happy show show' .
haha. Okay , so after then, i went out with darl'b in the
afternoon. The afternoon was wet and muddy.
We travel quite a distance today. Abit haywire i supposed.
Imagine going to pasir ris ,
then to tampines
and then to bugis and back to sengkang. phew! tiring and hungry-ful.
We hardly had any
time to sit down. Everywhere
were packed with people.
Our legs are tired . Soon , we took the train back and
stopped by mall to have dinner at sakura. it was funny to think of what actually
happen back then.
hee. but , it was a nice and we had a good meal.
Later , we went to meet Mum and went to
the pasar malam next to mall. It was nothing much REALLY! and it was quite
boring. not a long one and yet little variety to look around and see.
the stalls seems limited.
soon, we were on our way back after darls'b says that
he's legs couldnt take it anymore.
our feets were in pain and i dont think they could walk
any longer like they used too.
ish ish.
so, home we go .
we were lucky because after half-an-hour , it rained heavy!
tomorrow's plan ;
well , tomorrow. hrmm. going out for a birthday party in the evening. Celebrating my
friend's function at pasir ris. i cant remember which chalet but i could confirm that later.
going to the function with darl'b. then, maybe perhaps we stroll by the beach watching the
night scene. after which, tmrw i had to go home a little early than
what time i usually does cause b's had to go to school
tmrw morning.
yesterday's memories ;
it was my 8th month anniversary with darl'b. he gave me a toy kitten and thats so suprising of
him. Well , it was sweet. Nothing more can i wished
for than having him being
so greatly caring & beautiful to me.
being someone to stand against my needs
is hard but i appreciate he
stands by me and with patience and all.
=) thank you b.
to let you know, you're the best.
(i love you syg)