title: thoughts that dont count
date: Thursday, September 16, 2010
time: 00:05
sometimes i wonder if our past is just really part of a dream that only me can remember although there's always someone else.

sometimes i wonder if you still remember those past years and decades of memories we had, even when I did.

sometimes it pesters me to think if that you were just part of what I would want my life to be imagined as.

but sometimes doesnt always happened.

Present is much happiness, more than everything. Lot more than asked.

title: counting at 4.
date: Monday, September 13, 2010
time: 22:46
its the fourth day of Aidilfitri and its my second last paper. how cool? It sucks when everything else clashes together but hey, life is adaptable is some way or another.

Gonna go bowl tmrw with honeypie! Boom, boom! Gosh, spent the first three days of Aidilfitri really well. Met people i dont get to see everyday like my sisters from Bukit Panjang. hehe. :D

GAHHHHHHHHH!!!! Now, im straining my brain with MS. Go, me GO!

And to love, i love you. Now, you know it all about me.

title: its an early tuesday morning.
date: Tuesday, September 07, 2010
time: 00:43

I love my man.
&& yes, let the exam fever begin!

title: Misty rain without the heat
date: Friday, September 03, 2010
time: 15:38
Im gonna celebrate and start 2011 without babylove.  It is official. Sobs.
Baby, i am gonna miss celebrations with you. :(

my mood is rather unpredictable. (:

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