date: Friday, March 23, 2007
time: 22:09
Way Back Into Love
Hugh Grant & Haley Bennett
I’ve been living with a shadow overhead
I’ve been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I’ve been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past,
I just can’t seem to move on
I’ve been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need em again someday
I’ve been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can’t make it through without a way back into love
Oh oh oh
I’ve been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I’ve been searching but I just don’t see the signs
I know that it’s out there
There’s got to be something for my soul somewhere
I’ve been looking for someone to shed some light
Not just somebody just to get me throught the night
I could use some direction
And I’m open to your suggestions
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can’t make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I’m hoping you’ll be there for me in the end
There are moments when I don’t know if it’s real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can’t make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I’m hoping you’ll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I’ll be there for you in the end
date: Sunday, March 18, 2007
time: 02:01
so NOW, let me update you this longggggggg blogg today with the
updates of this weekk.
monday -
been busy the whole entire week.
too tired to update & tired of seeing computers all day.
life's great.
past Monday was my 10th month anniversary.
Stayed home, watched a rent movie & made dinner.
it was great overall.
10 months had past our time and we'd
gone through downs&ups together.
im blessed.
tuesday -
after work , went to the hospital with mum, baby & adik to visit uncle.
he'd been admitted to the hospital a week now and
still recovering.
His toes were like an open wound and it seems to me, it
really is hurting.
left house at 3, went to simei and had lunch at banquet.
Walked to CGH and past my old working place at the
Got up the ward and saw uncle lying there talking on the
Like bestlarr staying there but pretty boring. Silent & really undisturbed.
anyway, stayed in his ward for an hour-or-so and left to Eastpoint
with adik & baby.
Jalan-jalan there and head for Tamp.
The crowd was like stampede lar, really.
Hang around Tamp till 10 and head home.
wednesday -
working again.
didnt i tell you that im working again?
yes, im working now. -doing part-time admin job at Toa Payoh.
under Apples and yea, work can be tough.
for Newbies like me.
I had had to update data, register warranty, sort out documents
and print photocopies.
but, fun.
everyone there- adults, aged 24-30.
knew some people like Amy, Rama, Azlan, Ray & few more technicians
from the other room.
i had been working everyday from 8.30 to 12.30.
cepat eh?
went to work with dad, go home with baby fetching me from work.
early morning, saw this fat cat laying down by the warm concrete
path looking so adorable & fat.
he's like hardly moving be cause he was really fat!
he's tame too.
so, yea.
my workplace kindda okay for me.
next week, going down for a roadshow.
so, im better ready.
thursday -
went home alon after work because baby had something going on
in school.
going to Pulau Semakau or something like that.
pretty cool, eyh?
i got to go once to where there burned up rubbish.
its under the NE representitive thingy which im
positioned for.
Went there with Diyanah and it was really fun.
Met Bun on the way.
We kept packets of drinks yg kita kebas & letak dalam beg byk2.
funny lar, then went on ferry ridesaround i-forgot-where and we were
making fun of the old tour guide who was talking
with no-one listening.
then, went on taking neoprints after that at Tamp with Bun.
had a really great NE trip that time.
anyway blablabla,
spent my thurs with having lunch with mum at compass.
then, wait for baby to come home and went dinner with him.
friday -
after work, slept the whole
afternoon with baby.
too tired and i cant take it anymore.
been sleeping late and woking up real early.
so there, i slept like a baby till 5 and then woke up finding
myself next sitting outside hungry while watching tv.
so, my friday was great okay.
date: Friday, March 09, 2007
time: 22:10
the STOREroom.
work was great.
do nothing messy and tiring.
do a little document thingy, then head down to
store and do some plastic-removing job.
work was great! Furthermore, having dinah to work
with is fun.
we talked all day and no one is like around to eye us.
we were sitting at the end of store room, doing our
job slowly and yakking along the way
talking about stuffs.
really, the work i'd done need no energy.
we went for a four hours of break. It happen like this,
we finish our first pack at about 12 and the pakcik told us to go for
break and come back at 2 because door would be closed.
next, after finishing the 2nd part of our job, we told the same pakcik
that our job was done and he said we may go.
After calling the person-in-charge of us, she told us to go for break and
come back at 6 to collect our cash-pay.
KA-CHING!!! $$$$$
haha. lols.
so, working and doing simple stuffs is really worth it.
At the end of the day, im paid $57 dollars, in cash.
So, right now no work and we're like waiting for
call like on standby.
Besides, there's another work down at Ngee Ann and they
need workers.
So, maybe the next time im working, im calling baby and adik
to work with me
if ever they need people because the time i came for work yesterday at 8.30,
my person-in-charge says that i could call a few other friends to
join me so that the work wont be too dull and boring.
Besides, the pay is gonna be higher than the pay yesterday.
Who's gonna push that chance away huh?
During our breaks, we loitered the estates and neigbourhood.
Actually, i came to work with abah because
our workplace was at the same place.
Hee. Funny eh, father-and-daughter at the same place.
Fun uh go work with dad, in a bike.
just like how he use to sent me to school.
all of dinah and me ;
having our break was superr greatt! ;))
Define FUN.
Okay, blablabla.
im done with YESTERDAY.
okay, today afiq was sunat-ed. baby came over in the noon, got our hair dyed
and then went out to play at the arcade.
Later in the evening, went to uncle's place to see afiq and
the rest of my other cousins.
so, yeahh!
today is like cousin's reunion day.
Rina & Nirah.
Black & White is Nice.
im DONE.

date: Wednesday, March 07, 2007
time: 21:28
feeling totally out of the world today.
im drowned in all kinds of mood.
today, i rarely eat enough.
maybe im just dietting.
am i that fat?
honestly, yuck! dont tell me i look plump.
GOD,thats a NO-NO.
never for me.
yes, im cautious of how i appear.
i wish i could be skinny.
seriously, i need to lose some weight here
anyway, i did mention i feel out of the world today right?
you know, it feels as if sadness, disappointment is pressing
down on me.
sadly, i cant explain why but every minutes feels so heavy
and wrong.
really, i give me a slap larrr.
haaha. im joking alright?
its just a stupid saying from stupid people who really
deserves one.
but, not me alright?
you slap me and i'll kick you.
try me.
alrighty, guess whats happening tmrw?
im working again!!!
but not as a dermo promoter but
doing admin , office area.
so, work starts at 8.30 and i really need to woke up early like
school days.
thankfully, the work lasts only for 3-4 days.
so, $6 per hour is quite reasonable right?
yeah, so ya.
i wonder how will working again feels.
so, got to to do some things now.
call baby, pack up my stuffs and hit the sheets.
my ears are bloating and my throats are dying to scream.
ps: i love you so much, nothing changes that.
date: Tuesday, March 06, 2007
time: 21:55
heard there's tremors around singapore today.
im worried & scared.
and yay, i got my results today and i got into bishan.
my first choice.
anyway, imstill worried about the shakes &
vibrations from the earthquake in indonesia.
people - do you think that its fair to give chances
to others who had once backstabbed and
betrayed you wound-deep?
share me your thoughts.
title: Sunday.
date: Sunday, March 04, 2007
time: 21:31
okay. i had a hell-of-a-time.
baby came over and ton at my place.
the whole night we stayed up watching horror movies
and eating snacks.
telling jokes, lies and ghost stories.
ordered two pizzas and had them delivered
an HOUR later.
one hawaiian and the other CHEESE pizza.
yumyum! ;)
the night was still young and we even went out to get outselves some
2am-supper at MacD.
Walked and cycle our way to Rivervale plaza and had
ice cream, fries & drinks.
Stayed there for like an hour an a half and head home.
Reached home at 4.15, we hit the sheets and slept till morning.
We slept in the hall.
The next morning, we found ourselves waking up at 1 noon.
Woke up , bath and make breakfast-cum-lunch.
Had some potatoes with hotdogs and nuggets. Hee.
After that, watch tv and cleaned up the house.
Later one at 5, went out to play games at the arcade and was totally enjoying ourselves but
missing mum and dad still.
Soon, mum called and said that she had already came through the immigration
and was heading home.
Met her at the mall 30 minutes later.
Had dinner and went home.
i had a great time with baby and adik.
date: Saturday, March 03, 2007
time: 07:53
Dear Mum
written by : fairygirl.
I want to become the best I can
Towards success I’ve always ran
I wish so much I could make you proud
But sometimes my sun is hidden by a cloud
When my smile is fading and tears ruin my mask
A cuddle from you is all I ask
Its not easy to say things out loud and clear
But I don’t always need to for you to hear
You help me so much I cannot say
More than you realise each and every day
You don’t have to know or understand
I just want you to be there and hold my hand
I won’t pretend I’m perfect, I cannot lie
I know I sometimes hurt you and make you cry
I wish I didn’t and I can’t explain
I only hope I can make up for the pain
I hope, I wish and at night I pray
That you will always, by my side, stay
You mean so much, I wish you knew
How much you help me; I really love you
Happiness and contentment, for all, I seek
And it comes closer with each passing week
Sometimes the journeys hard and long
But together we can make it, our love’s so strong
title: i miss momma.
time: 07:04
its quiet in the early morning and i cant sleep.
time now - 6.45.
im already missing mum.
Woke up at 4 to see her packing their things.
Around 5.15 , watched them take off
on the road on dad's bike.
Its only 1 and half hour past and im already beginning to miss her even though
its like she's coming home tmrw night.
It feels odd in a way because every morning i used to wake up
seeing her either sleeping next to me , at the computer or
somewhere around the house doing things
and im missing her.
Okay fine, its not like as in they're leaving for a lonngggggggg
visit but its just im used to it for a LONGGGG time as well.
Ouhh ya, im left with adik and its just the two of us
tonight and tmrw and the later afternoon.
its really funny larr even if we're like in this situation many times before.
maybe im just too close to spending everyday with her.
You know like going out, sitting under the block,
merayap anak-beranak sana-sini dgn Hairul.
well, its just a day till tmrw.
i'll have to wait.
till then, i'll update my day later tonight.
good morning.
date: Thursday, March 01, 2007
time: 15:34
im a lazy bum, do you care?
im having a bad pain on my back.
i had the most amazing moment on tuesday.
It was raining and i actually SLIPPED and FELL.
after many years im used to falling forward, this time im falling BACKWARDS and i
did fell TARGET on my butt cheeks.
ouchh! asses to the people who's probably laughing now.
well, i actually was clinging to bb when walking and without knowing, i
just let go and fell. I was like
'uhh, did i fell this bad' , 'did anyone saw it?"
Okay, i admit I WAS EMBARESSED!
the auntie who were walking towards us was like aiyaa, you fall is it?
(nahh, she didnt say it out but i can tell it from the look on her face.
its like here firts time seeing someone falling in front of her.)
after seeing me in my DREADDFULL accident, she was starting to tiptoed slowly,
reaching out her feet onto the rough surface.
Then, always kept here eyes looking behind.
I was almost crying because seriously its SAKIT! and im feeling the sharp pain everytime
i sat down.
perhaps i am cutting this blog short.
so, im pic-blogging this post
of what's the EYE of the past days.
Especially on Sunday..

Friday ; i fetched Afiq from the SCHOOL's office.

* i think Snoop Dogg is cool. *
time: 14:40
i love this quotes.
it's sweet, dont you think?