title: 29 july.
date: Sunday, July 29, 2007
time: 20:57
yes, today i spent most of my time at home. woke up late cause im busy dreaming & dreaming the whole night till morning. bathe and then watch some tv in adik's room. being so well-behaved today, i've cooked a dish today. Chilli prawn, easy to make and the ingredients are easy to prepared. So, yes. I cooked and it taste and look good enough to eat. Yes and so later 0n big red riding hood had to visit her boyfie to feed him. hehe. So i met him and i gave him the food i've cooked and prepared for him. He eats and says it taste good. So, im impressed and proud of what i've cooked. Okay, seriously nothing much today. Didnt go anywhere further than sengkang cause im tired and these days, its been raining and wet. The weather's pretty gloomy last week, agree? So, anyway. im planning to watch SImpsons tmrw after school and mum is sponsering me, adik and boyfie. "thank you mommy dearie" and since im finishing school at 5.15, im meeting the guys probably at bishan cause we're watching the movie there and looks like it that we're about to get home late like usual on a school night. hehe, so another a-round of applause for me. tmrw, starting school at 10 and ACF's the first subject. ughh, okay. i admit ACF's getting tougher and the lesson's getting better than usual. What i meant is, it getting more better than usual. Okay, apparently, im waiting for baby's call cause his currently doing a project for tmrw's presentation. While that, i wanna catch something to watch. Must get rid of my boredom!
Take care pigeons!
date: Friday, July 27, 2007
time: 21:49
date: Saturday, July 14, 2007
time: 22:53
(btw, any cats for adoption? replies,pls)
date: Friday, July 13, 2007
time: 22:09
its friday the 13th and get fcuk with that. i used to get this eerie feeling and pressure on me everytime it's friday 13. But now, nah-ah! No more stupid beliefs. Okay, anyway. School's great and I KNOW im gonna get body & muscle cramps tonight, and for tmrw i shall leave the pain. Urgh, i hate it when that happen. It only tells me one thing, go run & stop being a bum-bum! Honestly, i need some major motivation: this INSTANCE!
date: Thursday, July 12, 2007
time: 22:50
happy 14th month anniversary, baby.
i love you to bits and crumbles!
date: Wednesday, July 11, 2007
time: 22:42
Ohhhkay, class ended early today: around 2 I suppose. Went to Vivo with Shasha. Went to the pet shop and saw this cat. Beautifully gorgeous. Yellow & was wearing Adidas yellow-green tee. Cute, yea? ANd went to the dog section to see whats new. I notice that all those dogs & pups were already asleep. Maybe it was their napping time & yes, i think i notice. While standing there, i smelt something foul. Untill then, i notice this yound boy just leashed out poison gas on us while passingby behind us. gaser little brick headed torublemaker. blablablabla. Anyway, bought baby a S&K backpack as an anniversary gift. Had a good time today, very so wonderful.
date: Tuesday, July 10, 2007
time: 22:34
Really, i love transformers! Their movie is just spectacular to watch. Nice one, Autobots are so adorabaly cute. Can you imagine our handphones transforming into robots? Its cool, yes? Really had a thrilling day after school just now. Finished school at 5. Watch the 5.45 show and got home at about 8. Baby drop by to relax and then went home. (Megatron is a big, scary & mean beast!: love the part where he jentik that man away. haha! Prime, your gorgeous & bumblebee: hot!) And, see Ariq's classwork? Cute worm colour, very flashy.
date: Sunday, July 08, 2007
time: 22:17
title: another saturday
date: Saturday, July 07, 2007
time: 22:26

HAPPY EARTH DAY ! save earth, recylce & budget down on stuffs that affect the earth's atmosphere and eco-system. that again, im hoping to cut down on lessons in school too! ;) hehe. i'll missed the holidays. how i wish i could shooed-away the school reopens date further later. too bad, it wasn't my will to do that. so, leave as that shall we? anyway, did somethig else today. went to compass with mum and baby. Bought myself an MRT consession pass cause its convinient, yeah? Baby bought himself one too and went banquet to eat Chicken Rice after that. Actually, thinking of going Sakura but thinking how desperately we needed money for school, we restrain our tummies and go for the alternatives. Yes, i love chicken rice too & the chilli's are my best favourite! Agreeable like no? Haha. Then then, ouh yes! Went kiddy palace & metro toy's department to look for gifts. What wasn't supposed to be on my list was, i fell in love with this cute pet-pet toys. Small , booble head pets that looks so real if not miniature in size. Really, i was in love with the housing just like in Barbie's and YES, i still have them. Haha. Never been on my not-to-get list eversince i was a child. Okay, then after nothing was fun at all over there we went to Popular bookstore and there again, i came to my tiny grudges to look for a word-search book, which im so in love with but stop doing so due to my no-time excuses. Hah, then Mum came across this Spiderman 3 Art-Kit which then came to our thoughts that Afiq had been like wanting this and always looking for my stuffs. So, yes, we bought those as his gifts. Hee, nothing much but really its the thoughts that counts. And did i mention that my uncle's holding a party tmrw? Not like so-partylicious or anything but a little cake celebration and sing-a-long stuffs to make his birthday a great one is already like a Vi va la bang!, yes? SO after that went home, Followed baby to Mall for a while to look for some stuffs. Baby thought of going home to watch Fantastic Four and i was like, 'ya, okaylah. nak balek, kita balek.' you know? So, to make things up, baby bought me chocolates and in which unexpectedly, he turns up at my place and stayed over and goes home after that. Hehe. (: I got sweet-stuff filled-with-chocolates guy.
And what make me so interested of today was the moment when i went through my big box and found baby's old 'LCD-spoilted' phone. Trying his best to fixed it which ends up not getting at-all fixed. Not even the screen screwed back on the phone, and intentionally it was already looking as though its been stomped over by people. &&, pumpkins growing BIG! ( i guess, is it true? ) Anyway, i love my baby & my pumpkin!
time: 00:16
hello people! blogging,blogging after a damn long time, yea? haha. okay, yesterday stayed home the whole day like usual. nowhere i've gone too other than going to the roof tops at night, stargazing and chatting the entire night. Woke up late this morning and wishing i have magic fingers to play the beat-game at arcade. pretty stupid huh? haha, besides its fun if my fingers are fast-moving and rythemic like those who played that game. i hardly see the notes coming down to the line. anyway, baby had his haircut today and its just a trim cause he still wants his hair long but short, get it? As in maintain the length with at the same time being able to spike up like the old times. Okay, im getting tired and i've forgotten all else im suppose to blog. Perhaps next time, i should get a notepad and jot down everything i've been through the entire day. Btw, school's starting in two days time and im 50-50 eager to go school. 50-50 cause i wanted to meet the gfs in my class and the other 1/2 im going to like so tire out this term cause its going to be exams and tests. A pressure term for baby too. He's gotten his timetable and seeing the expression on his face, its going to a long, long term for him this after-holiday. Anyway, im just waiting to get this over with. The exams, the thrills and shiver. Haha, okay. Getting tension & forgetful here, i shallstop blabbering somewhere/something else. good night!
like an orchid delicately flowing on the water.
date: Tuesday, July 03, 2007
time: 14:07
i hurt myself today. cut my finger and hurt my shoulders. still playing Sims:Life Stories and not ending.. My sims is just plain stubborn and pregnant. Haha, i made them do it and they're so expecting a baby! And ouh, i love youghurt mixed berry flavoured drink. Good & yummy!
date: Sunday, July 01, 2007
time: 22:27
played monopoly the whole day and im old-fashioned! haha. i love monopoly as much as i love having my money paid. So yes, i had fruits for breakfast today. Fruits from which nenek & atok had brought all the way from kampong - Mangosteen & Rambutan!!!!! yums yums!! thank you nenek & atuks!