title: hey, its teacher's day!
date: Friday, August 31, 2007
time: 13:48
How great is Green Tea?
read on:
New research shows that along with green tea's beneficial antioxidants, the ancient beverage may also increase athletic endurance. Studies in Japan found that mice given green-tea extract for 10 weeks could swim up to 24 percent longer than a control group.
Human studies must follow, but the researchers suggest that drinking four daily cups of green tea might boost endurance in athletes.
true? i dont know but i sure and really do love green tea! its amongst my favourite. & yes, that reminds me that i've not been drinking it often nowadays and im missing it. wee. as for now, going to change and met baby cause right now he's already tapping my shoulder, pleading to use the computer. & yes, it's been such a stressing day. already quarreling with baby early in the morning because i didnt kissed him thank you when he met me just now morning to pass me my wallet at 7 am. & im sorry. I was rushing and already late, late for school. But hell, ended up going up still late. I hang around Pgl station for minutes, because i was busy on the phone deciding whether or not to go school cause i was late. Feeling halfway lazy inside and adding on, my sleepy brain which was about to turn of. Okay, i argued today and i admit its my fault because i was unreasonable. So on, i feel bad and still go school. After school, w/o rajesh's lesson i rushed off to J8 to get him something, well i had to make it up to him do i? Bought him chocolates and sweets and then went home where he was already waiting at home. & right here now, still wanting to use the comp. So i better be off cause im going cycling later with baby dan wan & thank you for reading you butterflyes! HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!
title: MAYFLY
date: Thursday, August 30, 2007
time: 22:31
&yes, im thinking of changing my nickie to MayFly. I dont know why but im just inspired by these Metal Geometric game.
title: back to one
time: 22:03
okay, today's school went well. baby didnt attend school because he doesnt have classes today. So, after my two days of MC i finally went school and felt awkward. I dont know why but i just do. It feels like i've missed some parts of my study and i was like hais, so stern. SO, yeah i felt better after getting myself some stickers and puzzles. haha! im a little childish and i still cant deny i love stickers. adorable, YES and they're still part of my hobby. Then, went on to meet baby at home where he stood there waiting. Went home and i felt bad to make baby wait and furthermore, not buying him anything for being late. B, im sorry. Im just in a hurry after you've called and i just forgot what i had to do. Anyway, i've met you and we went for dinner at ljs right? haha, thats a nice make-up. i love you. so anyway, after being so occupied, finally went home and rest. baby played Ice Age on xbox while i lie on bed. I felt so restless and im still in pain. Oh god, i've never been so painful ever. So yes, im going for a rest now. Must watch IT and call baby before i ate my medicine. I love you boobies and thank you for reading! With much love, mwah mwah!
title: hairul, kekasihku.
date: Sunday, August 26, 2007
time: 01:08
i love the guy in the photo. why?because i just do and i can't explain why.
Te Amo, Hairul.
&i just love yellow! im just a happy person and
i know deep inside- i can't help it.
title: gfs.
date: Saturday, August 25, 2007
time: 00:49
title: shucks!
date: Friday, August 24, 2007
time: 22:46
okay, today morning sucks due to the morning call of coming to school for an hour lesson. Fhcuk i can't absent myself cause i've been blacklisted as OFTEN not coming to school. haha. i dont care, so long i enjoy coming to school so far. Anyway, it was raining bad today morning and afternoon. Went to school in the rain. Yana, Salimah and Shasha was walking under the drizzle when the sudden heavy cat-dog pour made them zoom-off to school. Me on the other hand was sharing umbrella with Rina & Fida cause im wearing white with something so obviously could be seen if wet, RED. haha. So, does Syahidah & Rina. So, blablabla. I end up also wet in school. SO, had to wait like 20 minutes before we could really enter the lab. Urghh, i was already popping to the lid and when we enter the class, she was yakking away. Shouting, temper and keep talking even though many DONT WANT to listen. I mean, she's getting stricter each day and i believe and i think its for our own good..(gulp!) So, i wasn't honest. Im starting to not get excited about her lessons anymore, i just can't. So, yes. Stayed in school for an hour and grab lunch with gfs. TWISTS! ate fish&chips and i was beginning to remember the one my mum used to cook during Fasting. ouhh, i miss those - YES! SO again, walked in the light drizzle and went home with the Syahidah & Shahidah. Hehe. Then on, i slept in the afternoon with baby cause my eyes are too tired for the week. Later in the evening, went cycling with baby & wan. Cycle around Punggol & then , came to sengkang where me & baby was supposed to babysit my two cousins. So, i had to yes! And, now im still tired. Can't upload any photos yet cause im still busy chatting with baby! "hello syg, i love you!!"
date: Sunday, August 19, 2007
time: 22:28
probably im just bored but still, nothing can you do if you feel like blogging. gotta type something do i? lols.
a random dedication to my two besties-everlasting, Hairul & Maimunah. I love you guys best. Thank you for being my backbone when im feeling so helpless and sometimes, im a bloodsucker too and im sry. To Hairul, thank you for the times when you were there and lending me a shoulder to cry on. Im touched and knowing that how concern you were. I love you. To Maimunah, thank you for the advices, teachings, words of wisdom and strength you gave me when i was at my total failure. You've been there for me even when I break your heart and even when i tore my skirt, you met up with me when you're all the way at changi having your appointment. I love you & I'll always do.
date: Friday, August 17, 2007
time: 21:33
no 2.4km practice today and im happy at the top my head! TWIST! only had captains ball and kept shouting with Cass while our class was versing with another and we won! YAY! they played well & our pe teacher was proud of them. good game guys, good game. Okay, so i was inactive today. during mdm rajesh absence, played another round of bomberman with shasha and it was cute when i saw that thing riding on a duck-like plane. cute & i've looking for that game since ever. i miss my cd-rom Emulator King. It was a great cd! then later on in the late afternoons went home and nap with baby. Really, im exhausted from the whole week at school. So, we slept in the living room with Ariq. Later on, went downstairs to study and afiq tagged along to do his hmwk. Baby teached him maths and science while i was busy doing my notes. Then, it was the sweestest thing ever. Afiq drew me a piece of his art. take a look -

cute kan? ouhh afiq, thank you!
date: Thursday, August 16, 2007
time: 21:19
title: thurdays.
time: 21:02
okay, school = good. mdm rajesh didnt attend class today. on MC for two days so it only meant that, she wont be here for lessons. TWIST!! played bomberman with Ronald & kept bombing me. damn! haha. anyway, had an early lunch today. sat with liyana and the rest. So, i was hungry and ate chicken rice. Serious sak, lapar! so anything will do rather then to suffer malnutriciously! So on after that, went to Student HUb to chit-chat further. blablablabla! i love camwhoring! Esp. when they're so many of us around. The heboh, the kecoh, the jokes - amazing! it just make everyone smile.BINGO! So then, had BZF and Mrs Quek was eager to show us her hand-cream and let everyone had a try. Feng was already asking for more ONLY after Mrs Quek said this, 'Mrs Loh have a sensitive nose'. Okay, Mrs Loh is my class CA and she loves teasing & approaching you. She loves entertaining people & herself. Funny? I guess not. Okay, so another TWIST to BZF lesson! (but, its a big bore though!) Then after, omg. It was Accounting and that's Mrs Loh. We got to go to the language lab cause she wanted so much to use the Projecter to teach and show the answers. But, sometimes i think she's good and sometimes i think she's 'arghhh! get her out of my sight, someone!' haha. So im off! Ouh yes, after that i went to fetch baby because his lesson ended at 5. So, i make 3 MRT rides back & forth and back to boon keng to fetch him. Then on, we go have dinner. Talked for awhile and then went home. :0
sayonara butterflyes!!
date: Monday, August 13, 2007
time: 22:29
school was okay & i so "enjoy" my time.
ouh well, RUSH HOUR 3 was great. I give it a
four rating out of five.
Worth watching at in the theater. Okay okay,
nothing much to talk about now. Got to go check
Cheryl's blog cause she tagged me to check it out.
SO, Cheryl I WILL!
toodle's little beansprouts. good night!
ouh yes, 1 think.
i love this photo -

date: Sunday, August 12, 2007
time: 22:05
chocolates from baby.
at KFC, eating dinner.
playing UNO under the void deck.
see how maya loves black forest chocolates too. hee!
at this point of time, seh's actually trying to grab the chocolate.
the afternoon before yesterday
date: Saturday, August 11, 2007
time: 23:35
happy 15th anniversary to my boyfie. i love you so much as i always have did on 12th May. we've been through so much chapters together and many things we've overcome and gone through. Joy and tears we've shared are more than what we've become of today.
i love you so much, b.
thank you for the good things you've shared and given me.
you and mum are the greatest things i've had
and still did.
time: 23:08
my very heck-random post:
hey! nak tgk kawan-kawan saya?
tortoise twins
ariq's, halftone worm.
tom & jerry.
boy, mya's boyfie.
pumpkin red tail,my fighting baby.
stray,remember him?
combat, the beauty.
time: 22:27
hello, before i start off blogging i wanna say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to nur afeeqah bte ramlee b'cos she just turned 17. ah ha, so while the birthday babe is out celebrating, im gladly to put up old photos for old time sake. here goes and while at that, i thought of putting random photos here too! all the happy moments and these people are non-other than my baby and my gfs. heee.
Its just old times, friends & loves.
meet my buddy, (part 1);)

meet my buddy (part 2) ;)
meet my other bestie, Mya. (obviously, she hates cameras)
meet my past dars, JAPBOI (was 9yrs-old, i guess)
my present Hairul.
title: ndp 07
date: Wednesday, August 08, 2007
time: 22:56