i feel so tight today and i can't think proper. better still, i feel so unreliable for now.
OH GOD, i need some plans for tmrw. & sometimes, boyfriends can be VERRY-so blood sucking with
a little drop of preservatives. at times, these pictures calms me down,
REAL, real down.
&&, sometimes i wish my room was roof-less
so i could see the stars every night before
bed and see the sky every single day.
but then again, wth.

do stars really grants you your wish?
cause if it does,
i wouldn't stop wishing.
right now, im uploading songs to my profile & suddenly, im feeling so lengthy and moshy. i talked alot and i oh-so love long, long and longggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg passages. tell me that im talking shit, i dont care. i just can't stop. anyway, im still waiting for boyfriend to call. msged him a couple of times and he didnt manage to reply. already by then, i knew he must be in the living room watching tv while his hp was under the pillow in his room with the 'canceled note' sign on. OR, he might be sleeping cause he just so suddenly lay down on th ebed and happens to fal asleep faster than you can say DONT SLEEP! pfft!, pissed off? yes but its abit unreasonble cause i knew the reason didnt i? & its always been this way eversince ever. so currently knowing nothing to do, i started off with where i last stopped, Ocean's 13. i had to admit, i never get enough of that movie eversince the beginning. its been my addict eversince mum introduce me to that movie. aku ketinggalannnnnns! Haha.
anyway, i msg gfs cause really, its been two weeks and we hadn't had that laughter that we use to have & god, i missed them dearly. Its two weeks since school ended for me and im hoping for the holiday to long-errrs itself further till december. haha! im too much. so much that im turning into a fat pumpkin. im used to long holidays, it reminds me of those times after O's. gosh, i can recall how i spent my days at home and then ending the holidays with working at CGH and Toa Payoh. Hee. okay, anyways there's also another two of my other friends, Zul and Ronald. They're the optimistic twins. I dont know, but they're always something to talked about.
i miss bf and still, nothing from him. no text, no call. && im starting to wonder what he's doing at home. my hp is hot. So hot..that it almost burn the tips of my finger, losing my fingerprint. haha! I get the obvious feeling that i charged it for too long. & speaking about phones, im not in the mood to change phone like i used too before i get hold of this hp. But just in case, im just looking for something slim or maybe flipping or smthg that slides. hehe, function matters too and thats what's bf is aftering for. He's thinking of getting a line and new phone. Still browsing through websites and brochures looking for the best phone with good functions that interest him. Bf can be a little fussy and picky about the hp he chooses.
&& you know what, im a fan of hans!

and, im still not done with the song uploads! its taking FCUKING longgggg to put up & load. && i have very limited patience,
dont i?
futhermore, i just so happened to love DISTORTED layouts and put-ups. clinked me up!
Its saturday and im beginning to hate saturdays and like fridays better. Ask me why, i'll go with 'I dont know' cause seriously, i dont. Just to think of it, i think friday sounds better than that longish sattt-urrr-dayyy. anyway, im really bored. Just finished part of my chores. Right now, on the phone with love and while that, im watching Ocean's 13. A movie that i've been SOO longing to watch and DAMN, i've missed it while its 'now showing' at the movies. Actually, dad wanted to watch with us at Langkawi. But thinking that, its too late at night and that tmrw we had to go off early, we changed plans and went for the Arcade instead. Hee. Langkawi wasn't too bad but i was thinking to much about the waters around it and the bad weather while i was on the ferry. You know like, monsoon winds and huge waves like that? Ya, it was that kind of imaginations which keeps on coming and never go. So right now, im blogging off cause the blogger just ran out of ideas & right now, im missing hairul & maya. Hairul is sick and currently at home watching some movies while Maya is nowhere to be found.. ;)
the burning sensation that tells me
that im in need of something.