date: Wednesday, October 31, 2007
time: 09:06
hello people. currently in school, just updating just for the fact im sick and tired of seeing my blog empty and motionless. okay wtf. right now researching for some marketing stuffs on the webby and unfortunately, there's nothing useful. for now, shall go back to searching and searching. till later, i'll update more about my weekdends with feeqs and baby and raya and more to come. toddles!
on the other hand, i apologise to bf for being such a jerk. about yesterday night, my bad. really, i nvr thought i could take it too far. maybe its true that for the past few days, im taking my temper too much out of place. im constantly furious, saying 'CIT!' in a way im fcukingly annoyed and for getting so mad at the things i've started at. im sorry and im sorry that i hurt you bad.
date: Friday, October 26, 2007
time: 18:00
okay. Updates.
Went to hang out at vivo with adik and bf. ate at harbour fronts banquet and then head for Vivo. After walking up and down, round and round - bf bought a dozen of donuts from Vinco which wasn't that statisfying but it was good to eat. I love all flavours except for Cinnamons. Then on, went to check things out at Toy R Us, Everlast and so on. Before going to punggol to hang out, went to candy empire and i bought them candies. Multiple flavour jelly beans and skittles which cost me a bomb. A really BIG bomb. So then, took the train to punggol and lepak near prime roof-top like usual. I enjoyed so much playing the playground and at times i wish i was a child again. Like many times before, i used to remember how i used to hang out there at night with my friends like afeeqah.. azza.. & where me and bf first chit-chat till late in the night at 2am.
school was great. & i guess im loving the timetable. Went to school with baby. Before that, met him to have breakfast at Mac. Lesson Starts at 10 and ends at 2. woohoo! had all the subs like usual everyday. TPS was great. I enjoyed the lesson for now. Played quiz against the other class and it was fun. The teacher wasn't that sucky and im glad she wasn't. Anyway, i had lectures on monday. Almost everys sub like POM and TPS. Honestly, i prefer to stick to the usual where you only stick to your own class. Cause its just different.
another of same lessons. except we had group presentation during the hour of BC. Haha. I couldn't stop laughing while standing at the front. & nothing much happen that day. blucks! ;)
again, nothing much happen. during the day, we had no breaks and it was lessons all the way. had another group presentation during PoM class about the New Airbus. Its a luxury craft and cause you thousands. Love to go onboard one of those.
went to the Tourism exhibit today and it was okay. Informative, yes but it was partially too crowded because the place was small and everybody was there at the same time. But yes, its still a good trip. Went home with Shas and Salimah. :)
i had a jolly good day today! i was sleepy from morning till the lesson before SW. We had to run a lap around the carpark w/o having to stop or the whole class will have to do it again. Then, had some strengthing exercises like crunches and believe me, my tummy's getting thicker and bumpier by days! haha. After exercise, we played captains ball and it was so hyper! my classmates were so active and we're simply loving this game everytime its SW. woos! furthermore, i was more excited when BC was relieved by another teacher. YES! okay, im bad but im happy on the other side. Right now, just blogging and ic an't meet bf for now cause he's busy playing soccer with adik at the soccer field. Boys! They can never be seperated from soccer. So, meeting him later when im sending my cousins back home and while that im going to listen to some music and entertain myself. Had been sleeping just now eversince i came back at 1 just now with bf just simply watching me sleep and playing video games.
For now,
im wondering what to wear later.
date: Tuesday, October 23, 2007
time: 22:06
okay, right now im being such a bummer. im refusing to lay out the events today and the past weekends which had been so bloody great, i ENJOY! so for now, im being so stubbornly lazy with my fingers almost not lifting of the keyboard and pressing the next key.
anyway, for now. im in a horrifying sleepish mood. im happy and trala-la-la-la all over but this sleepiness kills! apparently, i need more rest and more of cold nights with blankets and bf with me through out the night. yipes!
anyway, bf had been such a sweetheart as always. only just now, while on my way back, i told him i was craving for mango puddings, vanilla ice-cream with french fries and i so badly want a chocolate. So met him at home, changed and went out. He suprisingly treat me to a ice cream and french fries. Delighted i was, he bought me also PUDDING!! again, i was flying over the moon and soon, he slip into my bag a Toblerone chocolate which i find it very sweet.
He melts my heart in million ways no one can describe. So, sometimes i do regret being so stubborn and moody. I mean, im really, really thankful for him to able to tolerate my incredible nonsense, really.
Its touching and sometimes i do cry when i came to think of it as mistreating my boyfriend the way he shouldn't be treated as. Im sorry for sometimes not listening to you and always for being late.
And for now, i shall learn from that and not doing it again. (:
title: i love you.
date: Wednesday, October 17, 2007
time: 21:07
im on pills and diets. but, im still going in for more. exercise, exercise , creams and gels. for now, im feeling hectic with the on-going things happening tmrw. i meant, school and more projects coming up. & i love posting post after post! its fun and im never bored. waiting for RP leaves me more sleepier than im already am. And for now, i yet yo rest my fingers.
mummy, i love you.
boyfriend, i love you.
you guys rock my rolling world
& superglue-d them back together!
title: resident evil..
time: 20:27
mind me but timetable sure sucks! oh my god, im starting to worry about coping with the subs. really, im looking forward to more better gpa's. so now, im starting on a new strategy and im hoping it'll work. studying starts tmrw and im prepared for whats to happen. started early tmrw and finishes at 4. well, we're having two breaks for tmrw at 1 hour each in which the intervals were only an hour lesson on biz com. It does look a little pathetic but i'll appreciate it anyways, thanks!
okay, finished early as 1 today. went to watch movie with bf ; Resident Evil. I don't mind zombies but i can't stand cannibalism. Please, i can appreciate a little violence but eating the heart out of others makes me puke. Plus, the motion and movements done while the zombies savour on their living prey, makes me feel sad and frighten. Honestly, when watching ghostly movies, i enjoy watching it without audio cause audio just makes me go goosey-bumping. And, to live with the fear im facing now, i pretty well have nightmarish imaginations you know? haha.
okay, that show was good overall. took the 1500 movie and ended at 1656. Then, went on to PP to get me a good eyeliner thats worth my money. I thought of buying Maybelline waterproof auto eyeliner but thinking that im irresponsible and for sure, ending up losing that eyeliner, i buy a wooden stick cause it doesnt matter as long as it doesn't smudge. So, yes. later that evening, me and mum go meet bf at night to go eat and hang out. Ate at ljs and then bought myself a kinder bueno and i enjoy it so much.
for now, im feeling so sleepy. Waiting to watch RP, i shall rest on the bed and carry on talking on the phone.
title: im that monster.
date: Tuesday, October 16, 2007
time: 19:34
school tmrw and it shall be good. i profoundly hope that the timetable doesn't suck! & seriously, i need some temper-management class. it's really vital to my everyday needs.
&& bf, im sorry. i was pre-occupied and always giving you that harsh tone. Indeed, i am foolish and i shall learn ways to recover quickly from those negs. For now, i need some place where i can let my mind run free, the beach perhaps.
title: monday's.
date: Monday, October 15, 2007
time: 23:07
its been a great raya & im looking forward to the raya's with sweetheart. he's been a little unwell recently and feeling absolutely drunked with pain.but, we managed to stooped around at tampines. doing a little window shopping and then, head for pasir ris BK cause tamp is so bloody fcuk crowded and suprisingly, it look pleasantly spacious at BK's pasir ris outlet. Coolness! haha, okay whatever to that.
Anyway, after that, went to get some earrings with our initials. "M" & "H". After paying for those, got home by bus 88 and dropped off like usual (after TPE). Then, instead. I walked baby home cause his tummy was in real pain and it feels so painful that he keep on the impression of a cramped, worried face. So after being so polite, i walked home with baby accompanying me on the phone. He called, i answer and blablabla we yapped and yapped.
Upon reaching home, got a call that my uncle is coming over tonight and i had to fill up the kuehs and all. Tidy the place and there i was done when i saw Felix sitting at the corridor wagging his tail so innocently and looking at me. I was shocked cause he lives like 4 blocks away from me and he's there? i mean, he doesnt looked that kind who travels quite a distance.
so yes, and speaking of which.
in loving memory of Kembang, i'll post some of his pictures.
His the father of the kittens who also died in a tragedic accident WHERE the OWNERS (neighbours next door) accidentally
ran their car OVER THEIR bodies, suishing them like doughs.
all three anak-beranak suffer the same fate &
i bet i'll miss them.

title: ommmmmggg
date: Thursday, October 11, 2007
time: 23:02
fck! my blog is giving me a hell of a time. with all this post going to the left, it irritates me like the mosquito bite under my feet.
title: 17 years ago..
time: 15:07
title: If i speak my mind..
date: Tuesday, October 09, 2007
time: 13:56
Its a beautiful day outside. Windy and sunny.. Nothing like a windy gust of wind brushing against your cheek.. And sometimes, AGAIN, i feel like flying way up high!! Yet, bloggin ön the phone in a SMS format is quite troublesome and small.
title: part 2..
date: Monday, October 08, 2007
time: 22:51
boyfriend; the ever-so-sweet &
i love you so much to bits.