title: bloggered
date: Friday, February 29, 2008
time: 21:48
with a terrorist on a loose, i really feel so odd. too much to think of these days. the world's getting old and everything is a chaos. god bless us all.
~ parental love has no boundaries ~
title: baby, baby love
date: Thursday, February 28, 2008
time: 18:45
school's been great. exams are nearing though, but im still enjoying every minute of school. Done with pm presentation and all set for tmrw's TPS. Praying so hard i'll do well, i kept stressing about BC. haha, school.
feel so dead today, nothing to tell. Even if i do, i've probably forgot. Hehe.
and baby, im proud of you!
title: keep running, and running.
date: Friday, February 15, 2008
time: 14:27
yuuhhhu, happy lover's day to couples! yesterday, i fancy seeing everyone with roses, gifts and etc. Sweet, sweet stuffs people do for Valentine's. I had fun both in school and outside while i was with preciouss. In school, i took loads of photo's in the comp lab while having tps. I wasted my time in school because all of the teachers in school were having this valentine mood sort of thing. LOLS! anyway, it was dread fun and i love being that way! haha. i bought baby a mini chocolate heart cake and eventually suprised him by going to his home and waiting outside the lift area. Went over to mall to meet mum and ate at ljs, baby gave me a red rose. At the same time too, the lion dance group were already entering ljs and everyone was running away cause it was too loud and they say its scary. Its very interesting and fun to watch. I find the lion effing cute when it sat down. hehe.
On the other hand, the day before yesterday, i actually stayed back for pm project. Staying back in school was fun and i love staying back. Esp when i have my camera, psp, my group of friends and my precious, who often come to stay in school with me. After fida and nabilah left, We all practically do nothing but slack.
ANYWAYYY, i have a lot of pictures to load today and talking doesnt help at all! ahhaah, tkcr!
title: happy anniversary the 21th month.
date: Tuesday, February 12, 2008
time: 22:05

its my 21th month anniversary and i was on a heat of argument with love. We were quarrelling over something about commitment and blablablabla. All that other stuff you'll fight about in a relationship. But anyway, i was cheered up later on when baby came to fetch me and gave me this bouquet of ferroro rochers as a gift. I was happy and moody at the same time but i managed to smile. And not faking it anymore until then when i realise i was being shitty and reluctant of myself. I cheered myself up and make it up to love. We make up and then i accompany him home with fiq. Saw something life-threatening but overcome it at the minute i started to think over.
So, like usual baby took 30 minutes of our time before i can actually sat down and continue with my notes. Just having too much to do these days. Projects, presentations, revision notes.. Lol. Im not that hardworking but i am working as hard as i could.
Besides, exams are anywhere around the corner and i hope i could do well this time.
forgive my fugly edits and bull-s faces!
i love baby, he rock my socks!
title: IMP
date: Saturday, February 09, 2008
time: 02:48

i miss precious.
title: cny
date: Friday, February 08, 2008
time: 23:50
its the 2nd day of CNY and i did nothing much. Still sick and its been dragging for days... What a bad, bad thing to get sick during a longgggggggggggggggggggggg weekend. Played psp and ouh yes, i forgot to mention. Precious bought us a red psp! A valentine plus anniversary gift. The seductive red coloured PSP, like what i've always wanted. Actually, we got it before CNY. thank you, xoxo! Still getting through the simpsons game and im getting slower and s l o w e r . . . . . hah! anyway, wth - its just a game.

ANYWAY!, yesterday, had the whole day at the beach with mum, love and adik. ermmm, took some pictures and pick up a whole lot of treasures. Its fun and the scenery was beautiful. I just love the beach, its windy plus calming. After the entire afternoon slacking at the beach, we head down for RM's ljs. Bought a reunion meal and i realise, im having problems finishing up the food. Like all the other meals i had. Like the night before where we went out to Jalan Kayu with uncle and all to eat at Cafeela.

so, my day was good and right now, i feel going out in the cold night and watch the sky.
title: As the day past me by..
date: Tuesday, February 05, 2008
time: 22:10
Who agrees that true friends are hard to find?
Who agrees that a true and sincere friendship is never easy to build?
Well, i do.
I thought about it every single day and i came to realise that, its true. True friends are hard to find. Its like finding a needle in a haystack. Right?
For those who has found the true meaning of friendship, im really happy for you and those who have not, well dont fret. Not everybody are as lucky. Trust me, Getting a true friend to stand by you, to understand you and to really go through your every thick and thin together, its hell of a job. I may not have a true friend, im glad to say that im really thankful to have 2 people who stays through my thick and thin with me. 2 strong people who stood by me and always giving me the power i need to focus, the strength i need when i lost my confidence and the scoldings i deserve when im stupid. The first person is my mum.
She's my mum, my best friend and my own sister. I talked to her about all stuffs that i would share with a friend. We gossip, we laughed and we shared. She stood by me when im at my far end like the time when i lost myself, she was there to comfort me every single night when i cried. She also corrects me when im wrong and She knows me so well that sometimes, i dont even have to speak up and yet, she alr figure it out.
Another person is precious. Although i've known him just for 2 years plus, he's already been there for me from the first day we knew each other. He gave me his shoulder to cry on and was always there for him when i needed him. Sometimes, i dont even have to pick up my phone and call cause i know he'll always be hanging around under my void deck with his friends. Funny thing was, i was always bumping into him when i didn't want to. hahah! those days were cute, days when singlehood was still bubbling away in a hot pot.
Anyway, i hope that someday, that true friend will come... Or maybe...
title: old, old updates.
date: Monday, February 04, 2008
time: 21:31
my long, long, longgggggggggggggggggg update. well, been so lazy lately and i wish i could go on a holiday at the beach where i could just lie down, listen to the calm sea, feel the warm sun and just entertain myself with juicy, juicy gossips. Together with some cold dessert and yummy meals. Lols. It feels great to imagine things you cant do. I wish i had the money to try out every available and delicious cuisines just to fill my taste buds. Haha!
anyway, had our longgggggggggggg planned lunch date just now with fida, shasha, ronn and baby who came later at 4 after school. We've been sitting at the dining table for nearly 3 hours just chatting away while we eat. It was fun and we really had a lot to talk about. Camwhoring was good too but it was too dim. Silly me, i didnt had the flash on causei THOUGHT it might irritate the other diners. And damn, these past few days. I've been having these really rude encouters with stupid pigs who just don't and never queue. Fcuk, all they do is shoved the pale pink selamberrrrrr faces to the front and pretend like no shit happen. Wth? Its outrageous, i did nothing. But my mouth talked alot. I was cursing at the back of the queue and i really hope they'll listen. Rude and mindless uncivilised creeps!
pfft! Besides, i had a nice weekend too. Went out on saturday with family to Haw Par Villa. It was nothing much but it was fun when we took silly pictures. The trip was okay but really, nothing much to see. Then, had lunch/dinner at Vivoc and spent the whole day lazing around Vivoc.
LASTEST! i just saw the news and all i felt was slapping the maid so hard and hope that it'll leave a mark on her face. I mean, wth is happening to everyone, everywhere? The reality is really frigtening me. She kicked, slapped and carry the baby like it was a doll! Please proceed with this link to watch the fcuking video!
and if you, could tag me and share your thoughts.
im getting irritated here!