title: day okay
date: Wednesday, May 28, 2008
time: 21:56
school ended pretty early. lessons was adaptable & i loveddddddddddd every moment of it. went home with anime and later on, meet up with BL at home. :) spending the whole night with him, ilysmbb. somehow, im feeling so touched with everything of today.
and right now, im feeling graceful and wonderous.
title: my boo, boo, boo
date: Tuesday, May 27, 2008
time: 21:13
listen : beautiful liar - beyonce feat shakira
i had a great tuesday. i felt like school ended fast today and it felt amazing. haha, anyway. went to pizza hut at j8 with BL to have lunch. i had baked rice and baby had spaghetti. hehe. our add-ons were some chicken drumlets and garlic breads plus one yummy warm chocolate cake with chocolate ice-cream. superb coolness! it was good and i eventually feel really full at the end of the day. maybe i should plan on having our anniversary at pizza hut. the ambience is nice and its just oh-so-comfortable. lols. took the train home and on the way on the NEL, i just can't stop laughing. i kept giggling, giggling and giggling like f*. i don't know why, but i seriously can't stop. hahaha, BL believes that our laughing gas had just went off. lols, i was talking - he smiled , he giggle - we laughed our hearts out. :) it was such a pain, i laughed too much & it was funnnyyyyyy!
anyway, nenek & atok went home la! hais, im missing them. prolly gonna visit them this weekend with dad, mum and all. heee.
right now, im playing some computerized UNO game with baby and 2 computer players. im currently in a frust cause the stupid CP players are just sucky! they keep on giving me skips, reverse & draws. & my card sucks! this game is eating my heart out. slapping myself out of my seat constantly. f*ing CP players are playing among themselves and i seem to be the loser in the game. darn! i've quit. hahaha.
ohh yes, sunday was a bliss. :)
thank you zila! i love you, mwah! hee.
& boy,
the day was great with you.
i love you
title: randoms.
date: Monday, May 26, 2008
time: 18:33
What Munirah Means |
You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated. You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want. You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way!
You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way. And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life. You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.
You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.
You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.
You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something. You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense. You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.
You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality.
You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person. |
hmmmm, what am i suppose to realise here?
title: BL, with lots of loveeeeee.
date: Saturday, May 24, 2008
time: 21:59

BL did came over just now and we gave him a big suprise. bought a small, tiny Oreo Mousse cake while mum cooked pratas with egg and jempots2. haha. i lit the big candle and walked out of my kitchen singing him a song together with mum. BL smiled sweetly. :0
after having lunch and done with the cake, we told BL to open his present and which he did. He begins to uncover the brown wrapping paper of mine. haha! im no good at wrapping but atleast i tried to be creative - thanks to mummy. too bad i could not find my rolls of lots and lots of beautiful wrapping papers which i've been buying everytime i went out. pffffffffft!
anyway, BL was delighted. hehe. wanna guess what's inside? mum, adik and me actually shared the sum to get the 3 gifts - a green mini-cooper display car, a goldlion wallet and an arsenal jersey (specially picked). & plus the arsenal engraved tag that i bought for him, which he has already been wearing since our anniversary. :)
anyway, i hope you have fun love.
Happy 18th birthday. Now that you're big boy, you're legal for almost everything - dont change. i enjoy being with who you are and i love this 'you' of yours.
Guys, good luck for tmrw's game! i'll be supporting you from my booths! woooohoooo! go team go! BL, good luck!

title: pictures!
time: 21:15
as promised to upload. :)
title: saturrrday
time: 14:02
shagged, & im hungry. BL's meeting some friends and later, coming over (prolly). going over to pasir ris later at night- attending mum's friend's chalet. :0 hohoho, lets hope of something good coming my way.
WAAAAAAAAAAA! i dont think im ever going for that art fest cause im busy for tonight and that goes for tmrw's. having some things to do for that soccer carnival. from morning to 5. :)
im still patiently watching from far and i'll just keep sitting still.
title: late, late post.
date: Thursday, May 22, 2008
time: 13:43
listen: bonnie & clyde - jay z & beyonce
okay, my day was great and it's finally thursday! haha, yest had EVM test and i think, the paper was okay (though i do forgot certain impt stuffs) but wth, i can do it. anyway, lesson was 3 hours for me. went home with shasha & isma, and otw shasha had to grab some stuffs at watson. took about 30 minutes and then we left for home. shasha took the per-usual bus, while me and isma took the train home. haha, isma was supposed to chase the train that had just arrived but she gave up half-way cause she's scared of getting trapped in between the doors. haha.
i was bored and i played my psp all the way during the train-ride. meet up with mum & cousins at cp to grab lunch @ banquet. then, went to metro to get something and head home. :) right now, im feeling so free to blog and i shall post on my very, very previous outings.
sunday ( BL's post-birthday celeb/ family day)
went to Henderson waves, mount Faber and vivoc with dad, mum, adik & BL. got there by dad's little yellow van. drop off at telok belangah and walk our way through henderson wave. we walked through the brigde and i swear, the scenery was wonderful and spectacular. very beautiful, :). im feeling as though im on top of ther world. then, we walked somemore to mount faber. YES, i hike & climbed stairs at some stage! lots of them. pass the cable car but disppointing - it was uber packed! pfffftttt.
then, walked down from mount faber to vivoc o have dinner. after dinner, sat by the bay for 1 hour before we finally set off for home. SO AGAIN, i had to climb up mount faber and down , to henderson wave and finally telok belangah. dad purposely did that so that we can walk the extra mile. :)
@ 8, dad brought us all to bukit chandu and stroll by the canopy walk. my most favourite place of all. it was night (duhh!) and it was cool and chilly with the moon shining so bright! heee, romantic ya? haha. anyway, i wish i had a vehicle, so i could travel there alone when i need air. but 1 think though, its dark and eerie. lols. stayed there for an hour and head home. :)
monday(class outing)
okay, so i have 4E's class outing and only 8 turned up. meet Feeq at my place before we finally meet azza and the rest. to cut short - everyone left leaving me, feeq, azza and helmi. we take a walk around orchard before finally leaving for clarke quay. reached clarke quay around 6.30 and "lepak".
i enjoy the scenery and im hoping to watch the singapore arts festival this weekend with BL and at the same time - celebrating Love's birthday in advance. :)
pictures will soon to come.
im sicked for now.
title: its you
date: Saturday, May 17, 2008
time: 22:35
had a great day just now. woke up @ 1134 am and i watched some tv before i finally bath and ate smthg. soon, it was rushing for me. haha. meet up with anime at rumbia and head of for cp to meet nabilah. so, we did like we was supposed to - discuss. after prolong discussion, nabilah had to set foot and went off. salimah & me was feeling itchy and so we went strolling around at cp. waited till its 1745 and waited for shasha at starbucks. so, shasha was working and we were sitting outside - discussing again. haha, had to came out with a few alternatives and back-up plans. so at 1800 - shasha finally came out with mala & done with their work. sweet shasha made us two drinks. :) thankyousyg! heee.
and again - discuss. plus this time with shasha. after a few minutes - we were camwhoring & i swear it was gileeeeeeerrrrrrrrr fun! then, set off laughing over particularly nothing. i had fun. it was 1935 and salimah had to rush home. left shasha and mala and we were off on the lrt! meet up with love and god, i miss him like f*. haha, & im thinking of whats to happen when he's finally going NS? :(
anyway, overall is - my day f*ing fun! i just enjoy hanging out with a couple of friends. :)
and my week's been pretty good.
p h o t o s ; ; ;

& yes, mum & dad got to ride on that
singapore flyer!
just currently, im feeling a little low esteem. i can't seem to figure out why but i kept asking myself, 'what do people see n me?' it really is disturbing & i admits it. just today, im feeling a little nostalgic of whats happen before. with friends, exes and all. haha, its funny how it started out and all the fun times but it does hurts. it hurts real bad. for the first time when it really happens, i never thought i could move on. i was painful whipped and it leaves scars.
but, i had to confess. its the support, faith and inner-strength that helps me pull through it all. I got the faith from my best friend - mum and support from BL. this two adds to the boosting of my self-esteem to keep my inner-strength constantly pumping. god knows how painful it is for me to go school and by then, i f*ing hate it, really. i was so, so relieve when school was over for me! and i mean, O-V-E-R/C-L-O-S-E/END-OF-SCHOOL. hee.
but thankfully, i've met better people in life and came to know that there's still so much more for me to find out and go through. :) i've met someone who really made me feel appreciated and sincerely loved by with no doubts whatsoever (&iloveyousomuch:)) and a cluster of very,very nice friends.(&iloveyouguystoo!)
i guess, its the past that makes you who you are? i dont know, its a little hard to say, "uh-huhh or hell yeah"