title: gagagaga.
date: Monday, June 30, 2008
time: 21:49
GET SMART was funny. :) bought myself 2 cardis today and i think im way over my head! acrylic nails - asap! anyway, had fun with the boys.
ps: i love you babylove.
title: Euro Finals Amigos, :)
date: Sunday, June 29, 2008
time: 23:10
okay, im just partially done with my role playing video editting ang im left to insert some sounds and stuffs. anyway, just realise how dead my blog's been and i decided to live it up! hahah.
before doing this project-related-assignments, i just got home from ECP with love, mum & dad plus adik. had a tiny picnic and the guys play ball. i read my book on "
Sex Slaves - The trafficking of women in Asia" while mum played her "
Reversi" and i swear i was so-so engrossed with the book eversicne i bought it weeks back. I carry it with me wherever i go. :) anyway, mind you but i have a plan for tmrw. YAY!
tmrw AM, had to follow mum for some measurement sessions at some shop. then PM, going out with Love and adik to watch 'GET SMART'. Fuck, there's like so much moviess to watch , dont you think? - Hancock, Don't Mess with The Zohan and others.. & i wanna catch that Superhero Diaries at SI but wondering if the tix are still avail.
Besides, i had fun with the girls this week plus Love (of course). Last wed, met up at woodlands to do some discussion at MaC's Civic C. Had to wait for Shasha & so i bought myself a Double Choc frappe. :) After her royal highness arrival -we set off for lunch at Banq's. I was full - thanks to the frappe. But, i straved though after that. :) Took a bus home and Shasha came over. Later, anime call for some Badminton at her place. Shasha changed at my house and took off to anime's place with Love. Played double's and i swear we were prespiring so bad and idn't realise it was 0945pm. We call it of for the day and shasha came over to my place - changed and lepak. Blablabla, she head home at 1100pm.
Then, two days later we meet again for some role play sessions ( project stuff ) - with rina & fids. had it at anime's place and it was A+ Awesome! We waste some time though but we pulled through. Haha.
feeling so bull right now and i wanna catch some air. must watch the Euro finals! Im in for Spain, how bout you?
title: tell me one thing im missing out..
date: Tuesday, June 24, 2008
time: 12:22
title: pumpkinn
date: Monday, June 23, 2008
time: 22:01
im rather upset right now. pumpkin died just now at 1800 hours. It was still alive 15 minutes before i left the house @ 1745. Really, really upset. Its been suffering for nearly a week before - refusing to eat and swim. All it does was to stay laid down on the pebbles and refusing to surface and eat. Pumpkin's chest area was bloating and I knew something's wrong, then. Pumpkin's a tiny red crown-tailed fighting fish and its been my first pet. First pet because me and originally owned him beofre we had Maya. Maya was actually a neightbour's cat. My neighbour started neglecting her and Maya was aslways ssen wandering the carpark downstairs. Two years back, me and BL was always looking for Maya but now, it stays with me. :)
After Punpkin died, adik wrapped his tiny body in a small piece of tissue paper. Overlapping piece by piece while i was busy digging a hole for its burying. Then, taking two sticks of ice cream sticks - we put it like tombstone. I wrote down his name and mum find hima nice spot among the garden on mum's flower rack.
title: itchy fingers wanting to type-ing somewhere...
date: Sunday, June 22, 2008
time: 18:01
rather shagged from yesterday's. uncle's here today because he wanted to come. & right now, BL is continuously ringing my phone cause im late. :) done feeding Maya and right now, i shall go get myself ready. loots!
title: part 2
date: Saturday, June 21, 2008
time: 23:44
just got home from airport. just had one hell of a day because its mama's birthday! *winks*. manyway, we started out by going to pasir ris beach in the afternoon about 1420. mum already packed us lunches and picnic foodies for later. fetched uncle from under the block and off we go to pasir ris. find a perfect spot under the tree and we settle. lay down the mat, the foods and ate. hahah. everyone was in a total hunger syndrome. so, we do the usual things we do at the beaches, we pick seashells and busy catching crabs. hahah, i didn't get myself submergedly soaked because i think i rather be dry than wet sort-of-thing, you know? wtf. but, at the end of the day, i did get myself partially soaked bacause the waves were so high on me. every minute im standing longer, the stronger the current gets. dry ourselves by 1800. Me and cousin head down to the toilet and get changed. Took us an hour and i hate the toilet. :(
left for airport after then. Got ourselves milkshakes as soon as we got our butts there. I was devastatingly thirsty! itchy throat's just longing for mango, mango, mangooooooooo. anything with mango will do. :) such a relieve. Took a stroll by the viewing hall and headed for Breeks. weekends is such a pack but we manage to get ourselves a table. :) got myself a beef lasagne and it was super nice! (",) but i was eating in envy because adik's Dory grill with pasta was awesome! The dory was tender and really greatt. Plus, the superb service. its really nice! left Breeks about 2207 and head home. Sent uncle home first and then us. I was and am still exhausted. My day was great and i hope mum really enjoyed her birthday. :)
so, im heading for bed now and i wont be uploading the pictures till tmrw. penat siol! haha. good night, (-.-)
title: morning gloriess
time: 03:38
its 3 plus in the morning and im still awake. engrossed to endless fifa street. stupidly, my team name's Bozo. hahaha, pathetic? i know. and my name is monkey. fuck! ahahah. & eveytime i took a time out and at the same time waiting for my hand to loosen down alittle - i end up playing one hell of a 'guitarway to heaven'. seriously, that game best gilerr! but, all rock song larr.
okay! 15 minutes over - back to my semis. :) good morning sleepy head(s)!
title: happy birthday mamaku sayanggg!!!
time: 00:09
her royal majesty - the queen of me, adik and dad's heart is 43. yay! happy birthday dear mama and may you have a blessing life ahead. we love you so much!
title: overallupdate
date: Friday, June 20, 2008
time: 13:28
okay, lately i realize i've been blogging about the old, old updates. but, wth. i had to blog, do i?
friday - Friday was such a slack! Didn't do much for evm but just discussions and go-throughs with mrs loh. Later on adm, the whole class was celebrating Ms May's farewell. I still don't understand why she had to resign because all of us were like enjoying her lessons. & the major thing is, who is teaching our class the next term????? wthh. i hate when this happens. just like peanut, mr liao. Anyway, i really hope the mr/ms/mrs who is teaching us next year, won't be such a crouching tiger - you know? hahhaha. well, we would miss Ms May. My friends and i gave her a box of chocolates the day before and it was really touching. :)
saturday - went hiking at macritchie with family and love. We were actually planning to go to the HSBC TreeTop walk or something but we didn't manage to get there in time. From the reservoir, we had to walk 11 KM!!! i was like dying but i did not because i didn't realise that we've been walking for nearly an hour inside the thick green. It was 5 minutes to 5 o'clock and we still had another kilometre to finish and dad told us, we'll go there next time because even if we did reached there, it'll be closed by then. pffffttttt! hahaha. so, we had to walked the many kilometres back to where dad parked his yellow vic! only this time, we walked the other route by the open road. Stopped by thomson plaza and its seriously, boringgg! after we've reached the parking lot at macritchie, we left for home because the guys wanted to catch the match btwn spore and saudi arabia. Otw home, we stopped by serangoon north to do some grocery for dinner at my place! reached home about 7.30 and i helped mum in the kitchen. It was sort of a father's day celebration. Mum cooked honey chicken, fried noodles and the other finger foods like onion rings, nuggets and fishball. very, very simple cooking. Love stayed till 10 and he left.
sunday - mum & dad had to attend a wedding at tampines. So, im bored. Meet up with anime for a little badminton session together with adik and love. Played doubles and it rained. Haha. Played a little soccer in the shade while waiting for the rain to stop. I spent 3 hours running around and i did lose a kg. haha! wth, right? i so enjoyed my day.
Monday - mum, adik, me and love decided to go vivoc. had lunch/breakfast at vivoc and then, went for a little window shopping. after hours of walking, mum was getting tired & we sat at sky park - lepak,lepak,lepak. hahaha. sat there for 30 minutes and mum said she wanted to go peninsula. We took the train and dropped off at dhoby ghaut and walked our way to peninsula. Mum was looking for my new camera battery but most of them said their stocks is not in yet because the design is new. (- . -") anyways, the boys enjoyed their trip there because they were so busy looking for jerseys, boots and soccer balls. the guys are just so having fun. BL on the hand, had his eyes on this ball which cost him five zero bucks. (*_*) *doinkks!!! hahah, very lame. anyway, it was getting late and we headed home. took the train to outram and then onto the NEL - all the way to sengkang. :)
Tuesday - i was a pig. Sitting at home the whole entire day! lols, doing notes and stuffs. had a lot more to catch up. Holidays here but its not over because tests are up next term and this time, im feeling alittle shakey! hais. projects to get finish, notes to revise and i've been studying my entire life! all of us are... :( anyway, we're doing role play and im so hoping next week is the real thing. its been delayed for quite sometime..
this holiday is not so much for me. im jobless and im just busy. jobless because unlike others, im not working even though i've been desperatey looking for them. busy because my exams are not over and done with, OKAY? hmph! at least, i manage to get all the sleep i've missed. how heavenly. haha. GSS is driving me nuts and im waiting for my next allowance so i could get my acrylic nail set and my new pair of earrings! yaayyyyyyy! hahaha.
title: photos : 7th June Post!
date: Wednesday, June 18, 2008
time: 21:20

( happy anniversary mum & dad! yea, today's their anniversary and im wondering when's mine. ahaha, thinking ahead - im planning to get married on 12 May 20**.
Insyaallah with the man im with, BL. *buttslapp! anyway, i love you both so much and thanks for bringing me here. lols. :) *winks*. my day's been great. since its the school holidays, i've been frequently waking up at 11.30 - like i did just now. Went out with mum & love today. Head for Sim Lim Square to get a battery for my camera. fuck! that bloody agent didn't return our calls. it was raining hippo and friends outside so we had to shelter ourselves for about 30 minutes or so. Then, headed to OG and then to Bugis. Bought some tops and a couple of other stuffs. Had lunch later on at somewhere nearby and the meal was great. Left bugis and dropped off at Outram Park which tehn we changed train to the NEL. Reached home at 6 and 15 minutes later, mum and dad went out to celebrate their anniversary. ;) you two, i love yoU!)