i missed them, :). They're away on a holiday. Will be gone for 3-4 days. Left this morning on dad's bike @ 4.30am. Woke up, kissed them and watched them zoom away. Granny's staying over with us. isk, isk, isk.
on a lighter note, been given OFF tmrw and finally - rest on SUNDAYS! haha. gonna go get my cameo from uncle and get prepared for Monday.
We won't be wearing green though, its white babyyyyy. WHITE IT IS.
when life gives me lemons.. :0
gonna miss alot of people tmrw.
been running up and down Orchard lately to Mount E Hospital to greet the newest member of my family - Muhammad Akmal. He's cute alright, just like any other baby except that his more cuter. Haha. Here is the little dude. :) Already home - safe and sound.
im kinda busy with work right now while watching "Wak Dir". Haha, that show is really something i'll say.
WEEE, i bought this big Nike Bottle just now and im loving it so much!! Been eyeing for the other one actually but bought the other! HAHA.
Anyway, baby & i had been looking for green-coloured look-a-like couple tees for our CNY-trip to Sentosa on monday. Heh, wanna be cute so decided to buy something that will match each other. pfft!
anyhoos, going off now to finish up some work.
good night fellow people!
hello! im gone for so long and im finally back-to-date. guess what, i misplaced the cd's i burned my "Malacca'' trip on and now, im dued with projects and notes to get done.
life can be so up-the-wheel when you're laid back. urghhh! anyway, work nowadays are getting so, so challenging! so many customers, too many angry ones! I prefer nice customers who made my day and i appreciate it like SO MUCH, okay??
im a screw-up at work sometimes but im thinking that im improving myself. haha, there's alot of notes to study. I got new friends at work, Fawy & Priya. But, I MISSED SHASHA! BOTH ME AND SUE DID! Hais. Anyway, lucky for the new ones, they got a BIG TEXT BOOK to STUDY FROM unlike US!!!!!
Whatever, im hating this but somewhat still like doing it. What the heck, ya? Anyways, going out to somewhere later to get nail-clippers for Fatty and Fluffy.
Baby just got a new cat you know? Haha. Fluffy was an abandoned cat and we picked it up yesterday. Baby and me bathed it then wipe it dry. Haha. His sisters seem to love the cat so much that the cat has its own doll at her own bed, cute kan?
Haha. No-more can do. Got to go now. My supervisor's prolly checking on us now.