title: "transformers: revenge of the fallen" season.
date: Saturday, June 27, 2009
time: 23:06
awesome shit. must watch, must watch! Worth my bucks, tee hee. I wanna watch it again with love and this time, only the two of us! Heeeeeeeeeeeee, cool lah.
gosh, im working tmrw. i wonder how is it. god, im praying so hard its okay.
Anyway, bottomline is : YOU MUST WATCH TRANSFORMERS.
title: michael jackson, forever the king of pop, music & 90s.
time: 00:19

Still can't believe Michael Jackson died yest morning. To me, he's the most real true artiste. Indeed, i was looking forward to watching his upcoming tour. Sadly, i dont now. May he rest in peace.
Anyway, finally its FRIDAY! the weekends are so much happier to welcome me at home but again, SADLY im busy. sad! tmrw's movie date with ucu, love and all for TRANSFORMERS: REVENG OF THE FALLEN. And sunday, like any another sunday, work! Sheesh, Nannie's not coming this week cause she had to attend to family. *winks* Good luck to Ira on her competition. :)
Okay lets see. My day was okay, Geraldine didnt come school today. So, i spent my day with the rest of the group. Comm skills is killing me! My english sucks lah and like, when did i last did essay writing and reports? (Okay, just last year and early this year okay??) I just hate it but had to. We had lunch with classmates at KFC and i ate fish zinger. So, i spent most of my break at the library and reading. Hmmm, ya. You must thinking, read? LOL lah. Hahah.
Okay, right now watching Home Alone 2 in adik's room where its air-conditioned. Really good especially its on a hot day. Although my eyes are like dying to sleep, i kept it awake just ot watch this with adik.
&& joke of the day from Kelly:
Whats white, gay and loves children?
Go figure.
title: monday grumbles
date: Monday, June 22, 2009
time: 22:47
yesterday was mummy's birthday.
Happy birthday Mummy sayang. Moga panjang umur dan murah rezeki. Heeee, we had a celeb here at my place. Had to rushed after work to meet up with uncle and buy mummy's coffee cake. :) Anyway, it went pretty well.
honestly, im pretty exhausted. School starts today and my lesson started at 4 lerrr. Shessh, dont know whats the thing but im really, really exhausted. :( I want extended breaks, boleh tak? 2 weeks like woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, short nya. Just enough for resting and doing homeworks and working. Correct? Im still in my holiday mood. Just that, i guess im lacking sleep and heee, i need to turn in early today. Babylove already said so and heee, i must.
well, right now, i want dry prawn noodles and dinner at Sakura Thai Restaurant. *sobs* - paycheck pls!
&&, i had a BBQ the day before and honestly, it was okay aje. Nothing much lah. We were just like "caterers" since only dad, mum, me and adik are the ones who bbq-ed the foods and serve them. ;S. Grrrrrr.
title: with love in my arms, the world is a much bigger place.
date: Saturday, June 20, 2009
time: 00:16
had a splendid night with baby. Our little talks makes us more bonded and more emotionally attached. i enjoyed little talks with him and its particularly nice, especially in the night where everything else is quiet, cooling and peaceful. :) We wished of avoiding so many things in the past but moving ahead, thats important for now.
I love you babylove. For now, its just us and let us savour every moment of it.
title: still attached to Genting. *sobs*
date: Friday, June 19, 2009
time: 00:30

11 June 2009, thursday
left house at 8. i filled up maya's bowl and water just before leaving and kissed her on her forehead. babylove did the same too and she's already sulking. Took the train to Lavender and meet up with all 19 of us there. Admin took about 60 minutes before we finally took the seats and finally get seated on the bus. The bus was so spacious, nice and very comforting. I love it, especially when im sitting next to babylove lah. HAHA! Anyways, we went through Tuas and amazingly, it was pretty clear and no traffic conjuntions. Phew! About 1 hour later, we reached a petrol station to fill the bus up and then proceeding the next stop for dinner/supper. Stopped at Yung Peng for a grab of Noodles. Yummy but the price really kills! Gahhhh, i bought chewing gums just incase cause the driver says that the journey would take about 6-7 hours to get there. After such, i completely knew that I would be reaching Genting Highlands at aroun 4-5 am in the early morning where im supposed to be sleeping with love, NYAHHH!!
12 June 2009, Friday
Im still inside the bus, watching finding nemo and this korean drama, SUPER SWEET! love story lah, whatelse kan? e clock ticks 2.30 am and im still awake. Soon, the shows ended and im like freaking bored already and so, i fall asleep on dear love's arm. He was fast asleep. Infact everybody was fast asleep cause they were working the day before, w/o halfday's leave. Yep, so i sleep and soon (again), i woke up seeing that everything's already misty around us, around the bus. happy sey, everything's started to feel cold and chilly. Wooooo, baby wake up. He was already looking outside the window and too notice we're already swivelling on the roads, up Genting Highlands. :) So, we finally reached Genting Highlands at around 4.30 am? Somewhere there and we had to wait in the lobby. Uncle and aunt was busy trying to book us in earliest as possible. Finally, we got the word that we'll be checking in at 12 and thus, we leave our luggage with the porters. Fuck lah, their service suck, okay? Sheesh. Anyway, all of us were hungry and we headed our way to Marrybrown to grab breakfast. I bought a platter meal and it was nice, some sort kind of like KFC, you know? yep, eating eating eating, its already 7.45 am and we're all hyped up and ready to roll our day. Cool! First thing we did was trying out the new FLYING COASTER!! SYIOK LAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Simply incredible. Adrenaline rush just burst out of me. We took 2 rides of it and then walking around taking pictures and just simply enjoying ourselves in the cool weather before heading the bowling alley for games.
We played 3 games each one of us and everybody was noisy! We got the end lane(s), all 3 of them! And we played like nobody's business. Everybody just seem to forgot their sleep and its as though we're all awake froma good night's sleep on the bus. :) Soon, it was 12 and we rushed back to the lobby to get our rooms and our luggage. Our rooms were on Lvl 21, Tower 2 and I HAD THE ROOM WITH THE GIRLS LAHHH!!!!!! Happy, happy. We cleaned up and just lie down on the bed, watching tv. Waited till its like 3 before we proceed with our next activities. Blablabla, its night and everybody packed breakfast to their rooms where we sat at the corridor and just have dinner. Everybody was loving the moment till we realise it was going 2 and we need our rest. :)
13 June 2009, Saturday
We, girls, woke up at 9 and Cik Chacha was already banging on our door, afraid we couldn't wake up. Teeeheee. Everybody took turns to bath and then we headed for our day. The rest of them went to catch a movie while my family and babylove, walked around the area to catch stunning views of the landscape. It was truly amazing. Under a prefect weather, nothing goes wrong. I dont sweat and i dont have to bother about getting sticky and all hot. heee. After hours and hours of wonderful scenery, we had lunch at Pizza Hut before heading for the games at the Outdoor theme park, :). Pizza was great but again, the service freaking suck! Can't stand it at all lah! Hais, anyway, meet up with the rest around 2 and OUTDOOR THEME PARK HERE WE COME! We TRIED ALL SORTS AND GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, IM LOVING THE FUN IN THE CLOUDS! IM GOING THERE AGAIN AND THIS TIME, IM GONNA TAKE ON EVERY RIDE! Teeeheeee. *winks* Played our way till the night and end our day with dinner take-out at 1 am, after evverything else closed.
ALSO, we bought ourselves Starbuck's Chocolate Chip Cream and Mango Passionfruit for desserts. (Sadly, i cannot find my Oreo Cheesecake) The guys had dinner in our room and we're like the noisiest lah, kan Nani? Heeee, fun sey. Soon my mum, my uncle and Cik Chacha were all in our room joining the fun. :) So, after heavy dinner, we decided to follow Ucu & CIk Kamal to hang out. Outside temperature was like freaking 15 degrees lah and Izzah was freezing. I kept blowing airs in the atmosphere cause i enjoy seeing the air coming oour from my mouth, heeeeeeeeee. We were all freezing ESPECIALLY when the clouds passed us by. BRRRRRRRRRRR. Sat there for hours before realising its 3 am and heeee, sleep sleep! Everybody went back to their rooms but not everyone was asleep. Me and the girls were still talking while lying down on our backs till we fell asleep. Ucu & Cik Kamal on the other hand, heard strange noises outside their window which happens to be just an open space. Lucky for us, we slept in peace. Trust me, phew!
14 June 2009, Sunday
Time to head back and everyone's having their breakfast in their hotel rooms. As for us, we prefer to wake up late and skipping our meals. Washed up and we head out at 11 for shopping. Bought myself a Mango top and a few accessories. Baby bought this cute kitten toy and gifts for his family. ;) We booked out at 12 and headed for our bus which leaves at 2.30. I enjoyed my stay and im able to catch up with my sleep on the bus. This time, we're caught up in a traffic jam and it like took an hour before we finally reach the Immgration despite we're already in Singapore. Anyway, upon reaching back in Lavender, we cabbed our way home and grabbed dinner at Mac. By the time we reached home, it was already 12 and Maya was already purring at the door, under the table. :) Overall, i so much enjoyed myself. My holiday was great and it rocks!
Yep, im backed from genting a few days back and my holiday was a bliss. I really enjoyed my time with babylove, family and the girls im in the room with. So much fun, i truly enjoy my time. Genting was really nice and I wanted to be there again cause IM LOVING THE CHILL WEATHER!!! God please, im not finished with the rides. So many pictures to show but fb is a shit. It keep telling it failed to upload. Smuchk!
Anyway, im still doing POM and im wondering whether the survey's out for the people to do or not. Teehee. School's starting next week and i feel like crying lah!!! I want longer breaks, can? Am working this sunday, shit! Its mommy's birthday too. My dear queen's birthday and today's their 20th year Anniversary. :) Love you guys loads!
Right now, im movie marathoning with adik and its Ocean's 11. *winks* better not have panda eyes AGAIN tmrw! BOOOO! Good night bbys. && im done watching GULONG NG PALAD!!! hahaha.
ily, bby.
title: hot like an egg on a pan.
date: Thursday, June 11, 2009
time: 14:55
still prepping for tonight. its so hot i had to keep the fan to myself. Goshh, anyway, im still packing for the last minutes stuffs like toiletries and all. :) GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Im sleepy but i dont wanna sleep today, can?? Sheesh, too bad its not gonna be cold this time since its the El-Nino Phenomenon, right? Forgivve my spelling but im telling you, my english sucks. LOL.
Baby's in school havving his practical tests, dad's at work, adik's in school finishing his DnT, mum's looking after akmal and me, being the slow tortoise, im still packing my bag and deciding what to wear. :) Heeeeeee, uncle estimate that we'll be reaching around 4 am later. So, here's my first trip with love, and way to go!
on the contrary - YAY, NO WORK THIS WEEK!
title: i need to be heard and you, shut up.
date: Wednesday, June 10, 2009
time: 00:10
Yesterday, i dreamed i had a Canon camera. Was taking picture of my family during a trip. The look on my face just simply glow because the camera's shot was nice! Unfortunately, it turned up to be just a dream when i suddenly woke up to hearing Akmal's crying noises in the living room. Anyhoooos, im currently just watching Mind Your Language. The night breeze sometimes blew my mind away.
Sitting by the window, Im coming up with these thoughts. Sometimes, i think the world can be so unfair. Men are more superior than women - who the heck came up with this? This may be true at a certain Era BACK THEN but now? I dont think so. Times change and people have to. Dont live in the old age, if it doesn't fits anymore. Its not even vintage.
Its 12.19 and my head's feeling heavy. I should be getting off to sleep, yes?
title: your after midnight calls keeps me wide awake.
date: Tuesday, June 09, 2009
time: 22:07
Still in the process of packing my bag! Woooo, one more day. And anyway, i was chatting with Nannie & we were like still discussing of what's the night for us on the second day. So we were thinking of a slumber party for us. Hahah, will be doing nails, hair, camwhoring, make-uping! LOLs, confirm fun kan? Hahah. Just talking random anyways.
Hmph, im so sleepy but i wanna watch CSI Miami after this Anugerah show. :-) At the same time, waiting for babyl night call and thinking whether i should drop by pasir ris tmrw to meet up with babyl. Heeee, i wanna get my earrings and making sure I WONT LOSE THOSE AGAIN THIS TIME! Im so bad at keeping tiny things. Heee. For now, im still earring-less. :)

Good night everyone! Go sleep, go!
title: if i were a boy..
time: 14:24
My latest favourites:
- If i were a boy - Beyonce
- Babylove - Nicole Schezinger
- Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis
just loving these songs and been looping them all day. :) && it sucks when i couldn't find "Babylove" for my playlist. Sheeessssh! Anyhoos, good day to all!
title: we needed each other, remember?
date: Monday, June 08, 2009
time: 22:32
JapLoveCindy if you could ever remember, i was once just a friend of yours.
title: shedding the old memories away.
time: 22:08
hey all! just got back from my grocery shopping with mum & babylove. :) I bought like drinks and more drinks. Hahha, im getting bloated. No snacks, you know? Funny right? Like i've said, no appetite for snacks. Hmmmm. Okay, anyway, taking the night stroll around Punggol kinda remind me of eveything. Like those times i used to sit around with babylove under the stars with loads of chocolates and bubble tea drinks! Hee. Plus, also the times me and afeeqah would laze around at the playground - laying down in the middle of the bridge and just laugh and talked. There's nothing much actually but we're still just talking and mesti punye ada benda nak ckp.

Hahah, as we passed the 136 bus stop near edgefield, i remember the time i had to wait for babylove to finish his DNT class. Like 4 freaking hours, OKAY?? WAITING FOR HIM AT THE BUS STOP!! With a HP WITH NO BATT, NO CHANGE FOR PAYPHONES AND NO CASH AT ALL FOR ANYTHING. BROKE! Gosh, when he finally FINISH his class, i saw him walking steadily with his pals lah, like wahhhh! For the first time, i waited and ACTUALLY waited for someone for like 4 hours? LOL. Another thing is, that bus stop also remind me of those times i would sit around with afeeqah and just sit there thinking of where to go. And this is like usually after our hockey training sessions. After like for so long, we finally made a move. You know where? Haha, everytime after training mesti pegi PP for prata. AND, after that we would complain of stomach aches and all thus start blaming the prata for it. Haha. Funny kan?
Cutelah, i missed those times. PP reminds me of Oreo bubble tea. Yummy, and roof tops remind me of azza and babylove. Azza - was because of the time during the Mooncake Festival. While lighting the candles, we cried our hearts out lah. And till this day, the candle wax remains along the entrance of the roof top. haha, cute. we're just emotional, lol. We like waterbag lah. *winks* Babylove - we used to hang around there. Be it to study or just to sit around and do nothing. Especially that time during the first Raya when we finally talk. He took me home and sat at the roof top and chat. We talked about him then me then abotu everything. Till about 12 we left for home and that's when i broke my heels and ahd to walk home barefoot. :) LOL.

Anyways, after grocery shopping and night strollls, of course i had to take the bridge home. Babylove walked me and mum home, while carrying the grocery for us. *Sweety* SO, im like at home now watching old movies from like the 70s era. Malay movie, obviously. :) In my cotton night gown, i feel so comfortable - lying down in the couch and simply indulging myself with coconut juice! Plus, watching Maya running away from dad. haha, that fatty needs exercising like her owner lah!
And so, i guess im done for tonight. :) Must continue packing my bag! GAYAT LOHHHH!
title: you know how real this is
time: 14:35
baby's off to school and im at home just packing my bag for thursday. :0 Ate Zinger for lunch just now and it sucked. The salad inside was ewwww, i dont know. Its just not as fresh as I normally eat. Im still hungry but i dont feel like eating at all. Eversince I started school, my appetite to eat started to descend. My appetite just comes and go but when i finally got it my hands, I just couldn't eat it. Probably im just dieting? HAHA, i need to! Fats are overhaul! *winks*
im just finish helping mum with the laundry. PHEW! What a sunny day and im loving the breeze. Its hot but its breezy, unlike all other days. :) Be back with more updates.
Going somewhere later to get groceries and sweets. YUMS! Gonna be walking very, very far with trolley! Hahah, and yay, MY CONTACTS ARE READY FOR COLLECTION!
title: shagged baby, shagged,
time: 00:08
work was good. Everyone was good. I love it when Liz is around, she's fun. AND, NO FUSSY CUSTOMER! HAHAHA. cool man, i like it. Makes my day real good. :) I enjoyed my day at work. You know, i prayed so hard that my day would be okay and would goes on smoothly. Heeee.
Anyway, had dinner with Chicken Rice take away with Babylove. Ate at my place then watched IT on channel 5 with the rest of the family. So, i ahd a great day. Haha, finally like, i rest in peace and prepare for my holiday trip. YAY!
and so, i guess i'll be hitting the sheets now. Gotta rest the big head. :)
In this life, not everyone is the same. Not everyone has the same wants. Not everyone is You. Change, its not too late.
title: night breeze.
date: Saturday, June 06, 2009
time: 21:24
and so i spent the rest of my saturday morning sleeping and the rest of the afternoon at uncle's palce to help mum with babysitting the kids. :) im so glad that my cousins aren't like those kids in Super Nanny. gosh, they're so much better! Lay down on the couches and watching series of movies on HBO. Rogue, volcano, Shrek the Third..... -_-"
Anywayyyyyyy, im just ABOUT to pack my bag and urggggghhh, im working lah tomorrow! I love my work but its the handling part that i still needs to improve on! Gosh, paycheque's on the way! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, gonna do some shopping next week for sweets and tidbits for the trip. :) I can't live w/o those. ANYHOOS, I'VE CHANGED MY SKIN! hahaha, a little plain but its simple. :0
ho ho ho, watching Transformer's now and im still considering whether should i go watch the premier of "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" or not. The tix costs like freaking $24 bucks, OKAY? giler ke ape, not unless i get those cool posters or mugs or tee. :) Too much, i know.
title: sweet talks, memoirs.
time: 01:10

at the end of this, you can tell how much we've grown up to be and how long have we been through this journey. By doing so, you probably realise how things are changing and how much we've learnt to be on our own. :)
title: hello lullabies.
date: Friday, June 05, 2009
time: 13:01
im back! Tests are over and im feeling partly glad. On the other hand, im feeling all happy. Im feeling so tired right now after a longggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg day. I left house at 1 after uncle came over. Head first to Chinatown, Great Eastern to paid some stuffs.. :) Then, walked around Chinatown for some toys adn i found really good stuffs, REALLY GOOD ONES! After which, we then head to Peninsula to get myself some stuffs. ADIDAS SHOE! OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, the GREYISH-BLUE IS SOLD OUT! Like SHIT ah, okay?? Damn sad lah, hais. On the other hand, i managed to get the blue with orange stripes. Still okay, kan? HEEEEEEEEEEEEe, gonna wear it for my trip to GENTING! Must, must!
Anyways, im glad school's term break is here but its the thought of the exam result that's choking me real hard. hais, i wonder if its my best cause I don't think im really prepared this time. At least, Christine made me feel better. With her, "Only 15% theory", i think its better to think of it that way. Lols, thanks christine!
Anyhoos, im still resting my soring legs. :) I enjoyed myself. With love, with uncle. Heeee. So glad i end my day with Coffee Bean's Pure Double Chocolate. HEEEE! With Cookies, with whipped cream. OUHHHH!!!! Love it, i want SAKURA! Baby, lets go get it afte coming back from Genting, aites?
Right now, watching Scray movie on TV3. LOL, stupid - i know. :) But, what else? I've been watching Mind Your Language all seasons and epidsodes repeatedly. :) && im not tired of it lahhh! Okaylah, i gotto update some other stuffs, emails and all! Will get back to this again!
GOOD NIGHT LOVES, sweet dreams.