title: when evertything would be better tmrw. :)
date: Thursday, July 30, 2009
time: 23:27
life's a blessing. Appreciate that.
title: the place you cant take me to.
date: Wednesday, July 29, 2009
time: 20:44
im feeling blue. self esteem's low at the moment. i need to lose weight and gather back those confidence I'd piggybacked all these years. come, i need to glue myself up.
self-control and discipline.
p/s: i want to run away somewhere, far.
on a very, very light note: im glad to be happily attached. :)
title: it means to kiss under the mistle-toe leaf.
date: Tuesday, July 28, 2009
time: 22:15
im sleepy but can't sleep just yet. i still need to complete some stuffs for tmrw's submission. :S hais, but i am looking forward till after tmrw! YAY! No more projects, just presentations. :) My week's been good so far. I missed so much updates and now, i dont know whats there to tell about here. :) all i know is, im gonna meet up with my ladies soon and im movie-dating bb soon!
right now, my brains partially asleep. my eyes are glued onto the tv. :) wells, i gotto go. i need sleep, i need to let go of dark circles already lah!!!!!!!!! (-_-)'
good night
title: the need to feel the wind blowing in my face.
time: 14:37

in school right now, doing project - Econs (basically). Thank god that tmrw is the due date and then im free to study and all! So, yep. Whatelse, haha, prolly because my brain's dead here. Go this from Jeremy - "people who slept after 1 am is prone to have a shorter attention span".
i miss maymay, sobs.
title: when love fills the air, it makes it easier to breathe on
date: Saturday, July 25, 2009
time: 00:53

so, he's different from other guys. he certainly makes me happy in many ways. :) i wanna go holiday again!
When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming out.
~by Elizabeth Bowen (1899-1973) ~
title: funny fridays with friends and love, ;)
date: Friday, July 10, 2009
time: 23:13
Lecture's very "full" today. I had fun in school, had lunch with love and then head back to the library to meet up with classmates. :) Heee, i think my day went well. Pretty well.
title: good afternoon all and welcome home!
date: Tuesday, July 07, 2009
time: 15:27
just got home. school was supposed to end at 11 but there's make-up class for a/c's and had to stay for 2 hours more. So, right now. Still resting, bus journey's tires me out. Got on the same bus with Ian. Anyways, mp3's been my friend everytime i go to school. Always bringing extra batteries wherever i go, for my mp3. heeee.
Baby's at school having his automotive class and we texted each other along the way. Heee, must stop msging already so he can concentrate better in class thus, i too, need to brush up my accounts and economics. GOSH, i need to start already lah! Exams are like at the end of next month? Wells, i'll be back. For now, i'll rest and watch tv and eat and just watch tv. heeee, must study at night!
I love you.
title: super silly sundays, gosh
date: Sunday, July 05, 2009
time: 22:15
work's tiring. got myself a lot of hasty customers. shucks, so much for my luck. Im exhausted, been busy this week. so BL send and fetch me to and from work today, im starved. No time to go break so just ate whatever i've brought from home, heeee. anyway, gotta do some work today. im prolly not going work tmrw cause im feeling a little sick. im still having my headaches and i dont know if i should go and see the doctor and get mc. Hmmm, it still hurts. Im tired, gotta go.
Irwan thought me something today at work, a new term.
Me: How you come to work?
Irwan: By
Me: Wahhh, you drive hah?
Irwan: Nope.
Me: Then, ape?
Irwan: I take
Bus, then
MRT and then
Walk here.
Me: haha, good one.
title: i admit, the sky is really high up.
date: Saturday, July 04, 2009
time: 00:11
im so exhausted. school, after-schools and all. im falling sick. my nose is itching and im suspecting flu cause my body aches and my giddy. PMS is killing me this time, with pimples and all those tummy discomfort. seriously, projects. Gahhhhhhhh, anyways, good night you sleeping beans! wake up with fresh smiles and moods!
cinnamon melts soothes my irregularities.
I need my saturday for myself at home, with laptop and hmwks.
title: to my green heartshape-headed.
date: Thursday, July 02, 2009
time: 23:43
im not feeling well. i've printed my lecture notes and tutorials but waiting for the e-lecture is killing me. its been 30 minutes and its still loading. kidding or what? sheesh, gotto hit the bed. my tummy's bloated and im having a headache at the same time. plus, tmrw's a 2 hour lesson of Comm Skill, wth.
baby's taking me out for lunch date tmrw, thank you. :) get well soon.
title: school phase ONE.
date: Wednesday, July 01, 2009
time: 22:37
school's tiring me out and i know im looking at many datelines ahead. good luck, bang to the head. :) anyways, i've watched transformers and now, i need to watch another movie. feeling bloated and guess, red bull makes me sleepy. Gahh, im getting calls from people i dont know.
i need a hug.