title: take that baby, take that
date: Monday, September 28, 2009
time: 22:39
watching BrainScan on Suria. Haha, kinda lame + funny. Heeee. Anyways, lets just say im kinda excited about tmrw. Cause i'll be meeting bestie and going out with them lots. Heeee, plus darling. :) But, hopefully, everything is okay tmrw. Hope it'll go well tmrw. Tee heeee.
anyway, last saturday i went over to airport with family love and baby. :) Ate popeye and that place like crowded pig lah. Hhaa, forever kan? Sheeessh. Okaylah, can lah popeye. Not bad, considering the amount spent on the food.
Heee, okaylah. Still confirming some stuffs over sms. Waiting for baby sayang to call because dia tgh sibok main xbox360 dgn sisterlove dia. :0 Peace!
title: dont make me wait any longer, can?
time: 19:38
okay, its been 4 hours and im still waiting for adik to come. :s
Geng, cepat sikit boleh tak? Penat tau tunggu korang. Pfffft!
title: fresh in my mind, lost in words.
date: Friday, September 25, 2009
time: 23:29
watching Pirates of Carribean on tv3. Unfortunately, today im too lazy to look for cds or even look for movies online although i have a mind full of movies to watch. But oh wells, let me have Johnny for the day. :) && looking at Kiera Knightly skinny figure, im inspired.
Actually, i just came back from aunt's place. Baby, mummy and me. So, rather my minds still fresh from what i thought of jotting on my post today. Hmm, hmm, hmm.
Tmrw going out with family love and prolly, it'll take the whole night. :) Aahlah, still - i have to work on Sunday afternoon. :(
Oh wells, i love you all.
title: this term called, 'Frenemies'
time: 14:41
yes, its friday. Another 2 more weeks and Im off to school already. :( Sad, i was just beginning to love my holidays. Haha. Baby just left and baby A's asleep. FINALLY! Stubborn little boy.
Actually, i thought of blogging my last day of puasa and the 1st day of Eid on today's post but however, Im still tired. I bet its a long post, kan?
But there's thoughts coming to me today, Im thinking how small the world is. Im thinking i could be somebody else. Im thinking how would it be to be in someone famous's shoes for the day. I think, i think, i think. I could be thinking every minute, every hour, everyday buI hardly believe im growing. A few more years, who knows, IM MARRIED! Waahhhh, or maybe soon enough Im attending friend's wedding and all. Heeeee. Everybody's growing up so fast. Sometimes, it feels like i just graduated from secondary school like a year ago? Hahaha. And sometimes, it feels like im still in ITE, enjoying life. Heeee.
Anyways again, its wonderful to relive those times again and going back to sec 2 and planning each step carefully upon knowing how the future turns out to be. Watch my back, watch my back and watching out for the knife of the person whose trying to stab you in the back.
&& hey, i think i've passed my teenage years with a B+.
title: tired is not dead
date: Thursday, September 24, 2009
time: 22:44
i've been complaining that my tummy's been hurting eversince morning. Its somewhat liike menstrual cramp but its not and it suck big time, okay? Im watching Congkak on tv2 with a hurting tummy eating Oranges. It is still there. I dont know why but i hope it'll go away ASAP. Anyways, i had plans for all my saturdays already. :)
Going out to visit families this saturday, Going out with gfs next next saturday and going out with Bby and his classmates next next next saturday. wahhhh, so this marks im not at home on both saturdays and sundays cause I'll be working on every sundays. :)
Lucky Nani, she's taking off for these 3 weeks. So, lets just say im a cover up. If not, sikit lah orang di tmpt kerja tu. Anyways, SHIT. I hope there's no road block to my workplace this sunday, PLS! I know its the F1 race but i dont want lah take train. Have to go out like an hour 15 earlier to work with the huge crowd on SUNDAY MORNING. Hmmmms.
Gotto go lah, my tumstums really hurt. :(
yeah, yeah. I'll keep smiling while holding my tummy, lying down putting on some oil.
title: its still there and im still here
date: Wednesday, September 23, 2009
time: 00:26
i've been away for like so long. haha. im tired, and i still am. My magic fingers aren't exactly in the speed to blog and right now, let me continue to llisten to some musics with my masks on. :)
** Selamat hari raya semuanya. :)
title: the power of the weak mind.
date: Friday, September 18, 2009
time: 12:42
its 12.35 and baby's still not here. im so tied up at home and i havent' start doing anything. Watching bowfinger on Mio and seriously, im not getting what it is about for now.
Anyways, later on I'll be going Geylang with ucu, cik mar, cik caca, darling nannie, abg arie, abg hairul and abg zaki. heee. A final look at bazaar, last of buying barang-barang. :) Thank god all of my other baju-baju are already settled. :)
Okaylah, im still trying to get whats the show about. So, let me be.
title: its all about watching tv and seeing Sutan Amrull.
date: Thursday, September 17, 2009
time: 23:32
i want to meet the autobots. So i feel safe, protected and big. Haha, i love it if they're real (MINUS the Decepticons!) Imagine me calling out, 'Abg Optimus!' Hahahaha, giler.
Anyway, its like 11.27 and im still hooked to the laptop. SHOO! GO DO WORK ALREADY LAH.
&& OH MY GOD, SUTAN AMRULL! :) He's hot, kan??
title: its all about life, death and birth.
time: 23:06
im yet to continue doing kueh now cause im watching Culture X on okto. Good show so far. Im hooked because the topic they're doing today was about re-incarnation, surrogracy and gender-determination. Basically, its about life lah simply. The fist part of the show was in Thailand - about re-incarnation of souls after death. Like where you're souls go or transform after you die and they have this death-coffin experience for you to try and cleanse yourself.
The second part was about India- surrogracy. They're specialized in surrogracy and its like poor people are paid to become surrogate mother to a complete stranger. They are paid handsomely and usually, these women are mothers. Mothers who took up this job to make sure they have the money to give their children the education they need. These mothers sacrifice their 9 months to carry and protect this baby and afterwhich after giving birth, they were not allowed to see the baby as it is part of a agreement signed by both parties.
The third part was about China. The policy of having two kids - a boy and a girl. I mean, the couples there took medications so that they wouldn't like have two children of the same gender or else they are fined, kicked out of the village or burdened.
The last part was about Philipines. The Philipines practice the method of giving birth under water. Like in a bathtub because they believe this is a thing of welcoming the baby into the new world. Like really, in a tub and then just give birth lah. Blood all.
Giving birth is indeed a true and pure miracle. But honestly, its scary and the pain - gosh, no words can describe it i guess. Its just too much. Like Egpyt, a women's body is a temple. Then the surrogracy. I mean, we should all appreciate what we have now. Because in other parts of the world, surrogracy is a job. You become a surrogate mother to earn money for your family - buy a home and educate your kids. Just sad but thats life. I watched the show and it really touches me about mothers. Then the giving birth part, i feel so lucky and so wonderful to be here!
I love my mum and i cannot imagine the pain she goes through. I cannot imagine life without her and i thanked her for giving me life. I LOVE MY MUMMY. :)
I truly believe that giving birth is a the most wonderful thing when you think of life.
title: in love, we put our trust and faith
date: Wednesday, September 16, 2009
time: 23:40
We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.
title: im amazed by you
time: 17:54
watching tv, playing games @ nick.com and just randomly uploading photos to fb. :) Finally, baby A tidur. I feel so exhausted, my mind is closing in on me. I guess i really need the sleep but somehow, i failed to do so if my eyes do not co-operate.
baby, sometimes i wish we're somewhere having dinner by the beach and then just laying down on the mat looking up into the night sky, gazing the sky. :)
truly amazing.
title: make me go round, round and about.
time: 09:50
im still awake. Back from 3 am just now. Wells, right now just blogging and watching Ocean's 12 on lappy and watching mummy & Babby A sleeping soundly.Just came back an hour ago from blk 148. :)
Funny Im still stitting down and staring at the laptop instead of my usual long hours beauty sleep from 1am to 12noon. Heeeee. Blablablas, im feeling bloated. Guess its the PMS thing. Hmmmm.
You know the thing I said about going Geylang Si Paku Geylang today? I guess the plan's gotta change. Why? Cause my legs are feeling utterly tired and just begging me to just laze around at home. Gosh, but tummy's saying otherwise. :) Like always lah tummy aku ni kan. Little Miss B. :)
Im like partially mentally switching off right now. && ohh, tadi there's cat trouble outside my corridor. Ujang stuck out in the peeping hole. Mum managed to inform Cik Yati about it and she came down consoling her cat. Ujang got frightened i guess, so she went back up to get help from her house. Meanwhile, the neighbours helped pulled out the cat and Cik Zubir picked it up from the other side & i meant the other side of the corridor, okay? Lucky Ujang. Upon seeing Cik Yati coming back to get him, he gave her a big Meow and quickly run to her legs.
well, at first, it thought that neighbour of mine blamed it on my baby. I got angry of course but just kept it to myself. Because they say its the grey cat that made it so scared that it hide within the peepholes. And FYI, my cat was the only grey cat on level 2, okay?? Marah lah oi. I go out so early in the morning at 5 plus to see that Ujang meowing away infront of their house because Ujang thought it was his home at level 3. :(
So, he meowed and meowed for nearly half an hour and that caught my darling's attention. So, she went out - walk halfway through the corridor and i chased her back into the house because I don't want that Ujang to be chasing after baby afterwards and then, making more noises later on.
And so, i chased her back in and locked the doors. I peep through my windows with mirrors and I still see the cat sitting still there within the peeping hole with the head outwards facing the house. So, i thought ' Okaylah, i guess he's just waiting'. So, i minded my own business and baby was entirely at home the whole time.
So, around 6.50, mummy and me went out to fetch baby A and abg Ariq to school. I saw what's left of it was its paws. And I thought, well, i think there's nothing wrong cause he's quiet. So, we proceed for our morning routine. So, we came back about 7.45 later and the cat's still there! Alamak, this time i panic. All i see was the paws clinging on with the entire body standing parallel with the hole. He was breathing heavily but not injured. STILL, it was frightening. I wanted to help but Im scared that he'll be afraid of me and just jumped the other way and I dont want to be guilty if ever anything happen to the cat. So, the neighbour helped while my mummy gets the owner.
Blablablabla, like i said, everybody helped and its fine now. So, about the grey cat. I got angry and then mum tried to console me by saying that it might be Comot (stray grey cat in the carpark, a big bully aka Gangster). Then, after a while, i beginning to think 'Okaylah, maybe it is him. But, still, im not convinced.' Why? Because I haven't seen him for so long lah! I know that perv anyway around my house. && that neighbour of mine, they say they didnt HEAR Ujang meowing away 5 in the morning just now, in front of their Living room window when it was all so quiet and serene.
(You get it why Im not convinced?)
i love her even when she's not originally mine!
title: i like this, you like that.
date: Tuesday, September 15, 2009
time: 23:54
i was looking through my fb galleries. I came across this picture of my after sundays. :)
I think everybody in this picture looks adorable, kan? All candid, all naturally happy.
I like this picture. Its like everybody pretends to do something even when we're not planning to. :)
title: to do, or not to do
time: 23:32
hello. Im watching orang minyak on tv2 now! This oily pervert hypnotized virgins, undress them, sucks their blood, rapes them then run. And these girls, are left just covering their themselves with whatever they can grab looking all pale, sick, hypnotized with their hair all looking like they just went through the hurricane.
Its really scary. Scary because he can just appear near you, looks you in the eye and just do anything to you without you realising AT ALL. Scary, yes? Hmmm.
Blablabla, anyways, now im just blogging away. Just got off the phone with sayang just now. :) Thought of going Geylang Serai Si Paku Geylang, tmrw afternoon or night. But all these plans, are yet to be confirmed cause Im still deciding whether to paint my door and wanting to ask baby if he can draw on the wall of my room. :) && im still deciding what else I need to find in geylang. Fcuking earrings just broke lah! BARU BELI LAH! Wtf.
So, yes Im still deciding. I feel so unproductive this holiday. :( Somehow, I think I need a hobby so bad, together with a friend who is willing to pull me into it! SOMEONE CAN? GYM CLASS ke, KNITTING KE, PILATES CLASS KE, YOGA OR SOMETHING! Im becoming like Maya.
Alrighty, stopping all the CAPS wordings for now. Ending this post real soon. LALALA.
title: too much of things today.
time: 18:29
now tgh tgk Baby A tidur. :) Wow, finally. After bathing and all. Anyway. right now watching tv. Guess what? Its about boys geting circumsized.. Scary. Seram sey dgn pisau semua. :S Its a real operation taking place. And I mean, really.
I just got back from mall, seeing people just shitting in the middle of the atrium like that and now Im seeing this operation on tv. No offense but i think I just realise that im scared of blood and handgloves.
They try to make this effect like zooming in effect( like to make it more dramatic & in other terms like make more realistic), into the doctor's face but WITHOUT REALIZING THAT THE DOCTOR WORE A REFLECTIVE GLASS THAT ALLOWS ME TO SEE EVERYTHING HE'S DOING TO THE BOY, WITH THE BLOOD, THE CUTTING, THE KNIFE AND THE WHOLE THING!
Now, i know why boys get scared about this Circumsization thing. Like this boy currently crying out so loud as they are dealing with the procedure with 3 doctors plus both his parents holding on to him. I guess now I know. Its okay to be scared, i guess. :S
Oh my god. My appetite better still be there! Because my mummy made honey chicken wings and we're Iftar-ing at Uncle's place. :)
title: bon jovi, aerosmith, Queen, MJ and KISS fever.
time: 01:54

Im still wide awake. On the break from making kuehs. FINALLY! Me and MOMMY get to make kuehs. :) Referring to my title for the day, yes. Im currently on these singers fever! I've been playing songs repeatedly all day. :)
I love them. Like the bon jovi song i had embeded in this bloggy. :)
Little Awang is very naughty today. Susah nak tidur kan dia. I lost the magic, unlike last week, i successfully lullaby him to sleep but this week, that magic's gone! LAAAAHHHHHHHH. But, lucky baby ada. Boleh lah tolong2 sikit. But still, Mummy's magic always work with Awang. :)
Heeeee. Anyway, im kinda awake still! :) Mummylove wants to Farmville-ing so Im passing on to her. :)
title: the only night we ever had, the best moment of my life
date: Monday, September 14, 2009
time: 00:08
im sitting at home now updating blog, watching tv and eating coconut yoghurt. Nice, yummy. Just ended my talking session with dear love.
im feeling all loose today and i didnt get to see Awang today. :( He went home early lah. But, will see him other days.
Now, just thoughtless or shall i say, im thinking too much. I dont know what's in my brain, scrambling with my thoughts but there seems to be something.
Baby fetched me like any other sundays and we talked and talked. Was telling him all about school, friends and work. Talking about our relationship like we always do. :) Im just glad that we're still walking through this together. We've shared many of our inner feelings and deep thoughts. The secrets that only you and me would ever know. I love you for the guy you have become.
Head strong, brave, cool and most of all, loving.
alrighty, i'll take a rest now. :) Watching Donny Lee show now on tape. Sukerrrr. :) You know, I wish I was stylish and I wish I could work in the Fashion industry. Cool, kan? I wish I was super creative. I wish I was many other things. Sheeessssh, but yes, 'I wish I...'...
&& Abah always sent me to work on Sundays. :) Thank you Abah. && Mummy, she's always cooking my favourite dishes. :) Thank you Mama. I love you both so much and my whole life. :)
Good night babycakes. :)
title: its a sunday after all.
date: Sunday, September 13, 2009
time: 13:22
so, we got a new friend at work today. Say hello to dominic. :) He's a new guy working here. Anyways, im here at work already. People are already staring me from where they're seating and i feel like im gonna become dinner soon. Hahah, right now peeking out to Nannie's desks. Heee, ape je taruk alvin & chipmunks wall paper. Heeee.
Hmmmmm, its still calm here but my damn Qtech is doing it again. Faulty lah. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. Kinda pissed off actually cause i had to ask nannie to help me with the numbers & then calling them out. :)
Nannie is reading my post as Im typing, pls eh? Dia ni memang. She call herself kpo. Ape je. :)
Hee, im getting lame. Will update later. Mama masak ikan sambal & Awang Nit and brothers are at my crib.
Wells, actually, Nannie & me are missing the old batch of part timers. Suganthi, Shasha, Rifdi & Shafiq. :) Guys, kita rindu korang lah. Sads.
title: everytime the sun rises, i see you sleeping next to me.
time: 06:07
okay, blogger's finally back to norm for me. eyes still awake to update blog because i didnt get to yesterday. I came back 30 minutes before 12 and like so tired after editing photos and all. Heh! Anyways, i was busy watching little nicky also lah. Crap show but can-can lah to watch. About their heaven and hell stuff and domination of sort.
booya, anyway its 7 hours before i start working and i intend to head back to sleep after this. (Must lor!) Work can be such a pain for people like me who dont talk alot. :( I dearly hoped my day would go well than expected. Cobaan, sabarlah eh. Grrr, people.
Again, right now im watching just tv and updating blog at the same time while checking fb. Its like 10 minutes past imsak and my throats beginning to hurt. LAHHHHHH! i hate it when that happens. Anyway, yesterday i had a great time. Woke up at 12. (Hehe, anak dara ape lah kan.) Then, helped mum with the cleaning. Mum re-renovates my room yet again. I wanna get a pink paint for my door, imagine that. Or maybe orange or red. :) Then, if its possible, i want baby to draw something on it. :) My name perhaps? But thats all just plannings and thoughts.
Lets not worry about that. Anyway, back to story. We all went out at 5 plus heading to the library & then around 6 plus, we were already in Sakura Restaurant to get our meals pre-order. We already made reservations like 3 hours before and I treat the family to dinner. It was fun. Once in a while, i treat them to a feast. Yes, i already got my pay but i need to save up more also lah. Need to pay this, buy that, go out allowance, transport fee. Grrrr, trust me the fare is killing me.
After dinner, mum & dad went their own way while adik, me & love head over to geylang. Baby's getting his 2nd pair of kurung to match mine and also, he needs to find kain samarinda. Punya lah kecoh mencari benda itu. Haha, 1stly buy kain pelekat lah. Haha, salah pulak but manage to find the thing in the end and bought two. :) Geylang was hot and humid. With all the area enclosed and stuffed with many people, its not wonder its hot lah. Geylang, forever ramai. Night some more lah. :) Anyways, i had ayam madu & sungguh lah sedap. Baby & adik buy burger ramli & we bought drinks and snacks for mum & dad too. :) Teeheee.
So, after getting what we looked for, oh btw, i got my fake lashes! Gatal lah, i nak try pakai raya ni. Haha, once in a blue moon je. Haha, siapa kuasa nak pegi pasang hari-hari kan? Dgn glue dia semua, lama-lama bulu mata tanggal. Anyway, anyway, catch a cab back. With the heavy traffic & frequent 'hired' taxi, we waited about 15 minutes to finally get a cab. We quickly flagged it down lah. Then, head back home. :)
It was a fun saturday. I was actually suppose to go out with the girls today. :( But, i already have plans for yesterday & i apologize dearly. Hmmmm. Maybe raya or after it maybe? Hmmmmm.
ALrighty, i guess its 2 minutes to 6 am now. MUST SLEEP! IF NOT, CANNOT WAKE UP.
today Pak Awang coming my place. He's the naked man in the first picture. :) Hey Awang Kenit, kakak kerja lah today! AHHH, nvvm. I'll be meeting you on every other days. :) XOXOXOXO.
Good Morninng Singapore.
i want nikon D3000! Can i get this got this for birthday? Haha.
ANYWAY, to my dearest
Mrs Arham, i didnt get to finish the message on your tagboard but i just wanna say - that baby aaliyah is so adorable!! Congratulations to your new baby & selamat pengatin baru. Heeee, hope i'll get to see you and little Aaliyah soon for raya, yer? Heee, link me aites. Its great to hear from you babe. :) Tkcr.
title: a great week, so far
date: Saturday, September 12, 2009
time: 05:55
its early in the morning. My tummy's in shock and im blogging. :) Chatting with adik at the same time about youtube. Ohhhh, we're gonna start baking today. Tmrw working but next week off. 'Uncle Azlan' already gave us the date.
Anyway, right now im feeling partial sleepy and partial tired and partial of those mixed feelings you get. My tummy's in real shock. && this had been a good week for all of us, my family. Uncle got a job and I passed my exams. Thank god, alhmadullilah, amin. Really happy for everyone. Like Ucu say, 'its a good week for everyone.' Its one of those times and days you feel so good and relieved and at the same time thinking that we should be grateful of everything. :)
Hmmm, babb already went to sleep cause later we're going out. :) Meeting faizan @ Geylang cause baby needs to get his other baju to match mine and also songket to match his attire. :) Hari Raya's this coming Sunday. Nani and I haven't been to Geylang together yet. :( Sad, anyway i think because she's working. Like my other darlings who are now working. Hmmm. I missed them sey. Whoever dont?
Wells, i really need to get a grip now. My shocking tummy needs medication and attention. Let's hope everything will be fine. :)
&& for the record, i babysit akmal the whole of this week. Fun, yes? He's learning to stand up and sit upright already lah. :) He's beginning to scrunch his nose every now and then. He's learning to crawl and he's beginning to kiss us. Haha. He love looking at Hairul cause baby always helped me out by carrying him, rocking him to sleep and playing with him everytime he's awake. :)
Have a good day all.
&& yes kiddos, today's the 47th month from the day we met. :)
Happy Anniversary darling.
I love you.
title: another typical day at home
date: Wednesday, September 09, 2009
time: 18:10
at times i feel that i should be working, but most of the times i dont think i should be working. wtf, i know how it sounds like to be fickle shit and all but sometimes, i enjoy my stay at home. But sometimes again, nooooo! :)
Anyways, just currently playing games on some webby and at the same time helping mum out with the cooking for break fast later. :) Still, watching tv and looking over akmal.
Oh wells, i need to work but waiting to be called lah. Haha. :) Sheessh, i guess i need to go running and gyming. :(
title: Mugged, dreaded.
date: Sunday, September 06, 2009
time: 17:59
hello all. im at work. Baby A is at my place and later im going buka with babylove. :) Right now, just resting myself cause there's a handful of Customers today but not as bad as last week.
Currently watching Jangan Pandang Belakang Congkak on Youtube. Funny lah. Im inspired by Ain Bby. :) I need the laughter, its pretty dull. Ain print for us lots of colouring pages. :)
Nani, i want to go holiday again. With you, with hairul, with my family, with everyone else!
Hmmmm. Looking through my fb gallery, im missing those times in Genting. IT WAS THE MOST AWESOME. I have my boyfriend, my family and my cousins at the same time. :) Coolest. I missed the ever thrilling rides lah. The log ride, the mine train, the corkscrew. GAH!!!! I want to go genting again. The weather, the fact of having the hotel room only to ourselves and the freedom to move around without handphones! :) I love the cable car rides, the scenery and all. Im sure everyone misses them too. The bus ride ESPECIALLY! Heeeee.
Im saving money soon for the next emergency holiday season. :) If there is any, then its really good. Im travelling at young. Haha.
Ohh wells, nak sambung tgk JPB Congkak. :) Im dying here.
title: like a corpse bride in a gold coffin
date: Saturday, September 05, 2009
time: 23:27
currently watching corpse bride on tv. Baby haven't call yet and so, im blogging first so i could sleep earlier tonight. Tmrw working lah and baby A is coming over tmrw morning. Woohooo.
Had fish & chips for dinner just now with family, nenek and baby. I really dont know what to blog lah today. Guess nothing much happen. Except that i truly enjoy my time today. Heee, a little bit of everything is really great.
Anyway, i love these 2 character in the Corpse Bride movie.
aren't they cute? I like that boy in blue. He's adorable and if he's not dead, i think he's chubby and mischieveous. :) Lalalala.
Good night songbirds.
Sleep early.
title: XOXOXO to the man in the picture.
date: Friday, September 04, 2009
time: 23:56
i love this guy here.For the past for 4 years, besides my mum, i share tears, pain, joy and love with this guy. He's been there for me almost everyday possibly. XOXOXO to him who had filled my years with life.
good night yo!
title: kinder living suprises.
date: Thursday, September 03, 2009
time: 23:14
kinder bueno's are addictive. i love 'em! Wahhhh, i want some more. I wonder if i can sneak out at 3 am to buy some at prime mart. Heeee. Ask mummy to accompany, like old times. Oh well, watching elite model now. Abah say, "Kurus nya". I replied that its gorgeous lah, i want to be like that someday. Then he said, so skinny, for what?.
aiyoo, girls these days are different. last time, they want big bums, hour glass figures. now, its the skinny generation. In which, i think im not living in. :(
Anyways, baby is asleep lah. I wanna watch something tonight. A nice, funny, comedic movie. Suggest me. I dont know what to watch. :)
&& i think she's super pretty, kan?
title: enemy of the states.
time: 00:07
again, i babysit all day. With Akmal. :) Who else, kan? Baby went to school and tmrw he's having his practical exams. Im so proud of him. He make it to higher nitec even when people thought he wasn't going to make it. People look down on him for he did not make it to sec 5. But hey, on the bright side, he's moving up. Im proud of him. I am proud of you sayang.
I hope you'll do good for your tests tmrw. Do as you said. I know you can . :)
Wells, im still watching Enemy of the States. Thrilling, eating Roller Coasters. Lapar. Heeeee, will be going geylang again next week. Look for baby's baju kurung putih. To match mine lerr. :)
Im pretty blanked now. :( Im occupied with this movie and snack. Im drunked. Ssssh. :)
Good night.